Page 17 of Sing for Her

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“We look after each other.”

“We certainly do,” said a voice from the front door.

Turning, Mia saw Harper striding towards them, shoulders set back in a way that oozed confidence. Her braids were tied back behind her head, allowing Mia to see her face fully. Her eyes weren’t any less piercing, but in daylight they shone.

Reaching the booth, Harper stayed standing, pulling an iPad out of a satchel and pulling up an online calendar full of appointments.

“Are you ready to be busy?” joked Harper, passing the iPad to Mia. “You will have to add your email to the contact list at the top, and then you’ll have full access to your schedule for the next two months. Do you hear me, Mia?”

Mia was scrolling through the calendar, eyes wide with shock and delight. Harper laughed to herself and looked over at Deborah, who was smiling fondly. Mia gently put the iPad down before suddenly launching herself into Harper’s arms, squeezing her tightly. Harper froze for a moment before squeezing her back.

This seemed to embarrass Mia, who jumped back, sat down and began hastily apologizing.

“Oh my goodness, that was so unprofessional, I’m so sorry?—”

She was interrupted when Harper slid into the booth next to her and lay a hand on her thigh.

“Mia,” she said with a laugh, “You’re fine. I’m glad you’re so happy with it, I really am.” Harper leaned in, giving Mia a soft kiss on the cheek. Mia looked at Deborah for a moment, horrified, but she only rolled her eyes.

“I know. Of course I know! What, did you think I was completely oblivious?” she said, taking mock offence. Mia turned red, pursing her lips together and looking over at Harper.

“Oh, you poor baby,” said Harper, dripping with sarcasm, squeezing Mia’s waist.

“Can you blame me?” asked Mia. “I really thought you would have come to your senses after you’d sobered up. For a while there I honestly thought I’d dreamed it...” Mia squeezed Harper’s thigh and looked up at her with a soft smile.

“Why on earth would you think that, sweetheart? I meant everything that I said. I’m here to make sure you’re looked after.”

“Yeah, I mean you two are so sappy already I didn’t think there would be any doubt,” Deborah quipped, laughing when Mia looked at her in shock.

“You two have been about as subtle as a brick through a window, honestly, you think my gaydar isn’t strong enough to pick up on you?”

A beat passed and they all burst out laughing, any tension dissolving as Mia realized that not only was this real it would stay that way.

“I guess I owe you an explanation. You’re not my first agent?—”

Harper faux-gasped, but Deborah reached out and swatted her on the arm, nodding at Mia to continue. She hadn’t just heard this story before; she had been there when everything happened.

“A few years ago, I was meant to headline the local Thanksgiving festival’s after-party. I had my set picked out, we had done soundcheck, and an hour before showtime they told me they had decided on another artist. When I went to call my agent at the time he wouldn’t answer my messages.”

Mia could tell that Harper was appalled at this lack of professionalism, but she had to finish the story, so she continued.

“When I finally got through to him, he told me that he didn’t think my music was “the right fit” for the festival and had the set changed himself. The artist they had replaced me with was another band he represented. This wasn’t the first time it had happened, actually, but it was definitely the final straw. I dropped him as my agent and tried to stay independent, but the scene isn’t easy to break into unless you have representation. I’m very lucky that you came along and found me.”

Mia smiled but Harper was deathly quiet, arm around Mia’s waist, visibly trying to wrap her head around what she was hearing. She took a deep breath.

“I’m so fucking sorry that happened, Mia.”

Mia shrugged, but it seemed like Harper was having none of it and shook her head.

“As an agent, you have a responsibility to be upfront and open to communication with your artists. You’re not just representation, you’re pretty much one of the only ways they can get anything done. I’m so sorry he treated you like that, Mia, you really deserved better.”

“I have better,” Mia said in as assuring a voice as she could. “You are so much better.”

“I promise you, Mia, genuinely, I won’t do anything of the sort. If I have a problem, I’ll come straight to you.”

“You’re too sweet,” Mia said, leaning in for a kiss. Deborah fake-gagged, and Harper flipped her the bird while kissing Mia back.

“Alright, now that that’s been dealt with, lets take a look at the actual schedule,” said Harper, drawing the group’s attention back to the iPad.

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