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Something about the hardness of the man’s eyes made me shrink back even more. There was accusation in his gaze as he glared before slamming his hand on the roof of the car. Surely he didn’t believe that I’d encouraged Finley to attack me? No. No, he wouldn’t have rescued me if he thought that I’d deserved being treated that way.

“Lola!” Elissa snapped in my face, “Tell me what fucking happened, now.”

Her angry tone made me blink and I shook my head, stifling a laugh. This sort of thing had always happened in my life. I was a victim, yet a-fucking-gain. And yet, it was my fault. Why else would people take advantage?

“Nothing,” I whispered, feeling manic as a smile broke out on my lips. “Just a little misunderstanding between myself and…”

“And…?” Elissa’s smooth forehead creased.

“The gorgeous security guy who didn’t like being groped, that’s all.”

Huffing, Elissa sat back and stared out of the window, her eyebrows pulled low. She knew me well enough to know that I wasn’t telling the full truth. She also knew me well enough to not push when I wasn’t ready to talk. It wasn’t healthy to hold emotions in, and yet, I did… just like I had my whole life. It was the only way I knew. It was the only way to survive.

Chapter Eleven

Don’t go to the office this morning, Joseph texted, head to this address. I have a job and need assistance.

My hand froze in mid-air, the jangling keys echoing as I held my breath. The cold of the car made the air a little misty, but the chill that jumped down my spine wasn’t caused by the cool morning. The address that flashed up, just seconds before I was going to start the car engine, was the reason I gawped like a fish.

“What the fuck?” I whispered, finally shoving the keys in the ignition and firing up the engine.

Apparently, Joseph had a job at the club. Like… the club I had been thrown out of for being sexually harassed… just the night before. What were the chances?

The heater blasted on, and I started to drive, knowing exactly where I was going. My heartbeat resounded in my head as I remembered the blurred memories of Finley pushing me against the sink. Luckily, my drunkenness had marred the vivid detail, which made it easier to pull into the road where the club stood.

Who was I fucking kidding? I hadn’t had time to think before I’d pulled up outside the club. My hands shook violently as I climbed out of the car and smoothed down my flowy skirt. I hadn’t known that I’d be meeting Joseph today, he hadn’t indicated that he wanted me on a job.

“Hello,” the security guard from the night before greeted me as I approached the door.

He had appeared from nowhere, making me jump. I clutched my bag to me and dropped my gaze to the ground, studying the cracks of the paving slabs below my kitten heels.

“My boss is a designer, he asked me to meet him here.” My voice was low and unsteady.

His grunt made me look up as he opened the heavy black door. “You better come in.”

Humming an affirmative, I followed him inside, keeping my gaze averted every time he checked over his shoulder. My palms grew slick with perspiration as he led me through the small lobby and through a side door. I sighed as we avoided the main club room, pleased that I wouldn’t have to face what had happened straight away.

“Lola.” Joseph’s drawled voice was deep as the door closed behind me and the security guard moved to reveal my boss.

He stood by a bank of security cameras, resting his clenched fist on the desk in front of them. He was so tall, his head almost touched the ceiling. Even the security guard wasn’t as big as him.

As shit as I felt, seeing him eased me. Instead of letting him see my nervousness, I plastered on a smile, even though my insides were flickering anxiously.

“Joseph.” Clearing my throat when it squeezed, I glanced around the room, “I didn’t know you designed security rooms.”

Narrowing his gaze on me, Joe stared for several seconds without saying a word. I licked my lips and glanced at the ground, unsure why he would be so intent. My boss was usually friendly in front of the client, not moody and… quite frankly, strange.

I couldn’t look at him directly. Instead, my gaze darted around the room, searching for anything to concentrate on. Anything but the heat rolling from my new lover. When the security guard sniffed, it broke Joseph’s concentration. He leant sideways and hit a button on the security desk, tilting his head sideways when he looked at me again.

My eyebrows pulled low as one scene played out on the whole bank of screens. At first, I wondered if he had somehow programmed them with his plans, but when they zoomed in on an image of me, standing in the men’s bathroom, I gulped.

“What the fuck?” I whispered, going closer. “Have you been spying on me or something? How would you know…? I mean…” I stuttered, unable to comprehend what was happening.

When the screens played multiple shots of Finley pinning me against the sink, I held my stomach as it churned. As hard as it was to watch, I couldn’t take my eyes off the man who had tried to violate me. No wait, he had fucking violated me, the bastard.

“You can go now,” Joseph told the security guard, “I appreciate you telling me what happened.”

The man squeezed my shoulder as he passed me, whispering a small sorry. I couldn’t understand why he’d suddenly become nice after being so cold the night before.

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