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Oops, the line had almost disappeared, and we hadn't moved.

“Come on,” the bouncer called.

“I'd like to cum on you,” Elissa replied, attempting a cute wink that actually looked like she had an eye tick.

The bouncer, a burly light-haired man, stayed stoic. He was clearly used to females hitting on him every night.

“Well, I wouldn't.” Reaching out to pat him on the arm, I smiled. “So rest easy knowing that you don't have to fulfil my fantasies. I already have someone to do that.”

His eyebrows flicked and the corner of his lip twitched. “Do you now?”

“Uh huh.” Grinning from ear to ear, I tried not to sway as someone pressed close from behind. “You're not my type at all.”

“Just go inside!” someone shouted. “Pissheads.”

Elissa took my hand and dragged me towards the door. I looked over my shoulder at the bouncer, trying to point to Elissa and put my hand up in a phone me gesture at the same time. Being a little drunk, I tripped and ended up winking instead.

Oh well, he would forget about me in roughly three seconds, and I would get to dance my little heart out.

Walking through the entrance, we smiled at the cloakroom assistant and carried on through the red carpeted lobby. The place was an old theatre – yeah, I know, kind of sacrilegious – that had been turned into a quirky club.

“Just need a wee,” Elissa announced, leaving me to go to the ladies.

I stood at the open double doors, listening to the sound of the rock band who played on the stage. The chairs had been removed and replaced with a dancefloor and plush sofas with small tables.

“I love this place,” Elissa exclaimed when she got back, hopping up and down.

I looked out into the crowd as the band started up a sexy synth song. The beat slunk into my chest, warming it like embers. And yet, my heart remained disconnected, hidden away so deeply, a constant state of sadness enveloped it.

“Fuck it,” I shouted, wanting to rid myself of the pain. “Let's get drunk and dance like we're never going home.”

Elissa threw one arm into the air and screamed, “Yeah, baby!”

Heading straight to the bar that lined the right side of the room, we ordered two drinks each, downing them before ordering another two.

“Let's dance!” Elissa moved away from the bar, almost stumbling into one of the tables.

The two men sitting there were dressed in smart suits. They eyed Elissa, smiling when she leant over one of their shoulders and apologised.

I took her arm and dragged her away, leading her to the dancefloor. My head spun as the guitar riffs accompanied by synths spoke to my body, making it want to move. Joseph was forgotten as Elissa and I danced, constantly spilling our drinks and laughing about it.

When the band paused to go into the next song, the two suited men appeared next to us. One of them took Elissa's arm and spun her around as the music started up again. The other raised his eyebrows at me and offered his hand. I could barely focus on his handsome face, but when Elissa giggled next to me, I placed my hand in his. I didn't want to destroy the mood... plus, it was only a dance.

“You look gorgeous!” the man shouted in my ear. “My name's Finley.”

Nodding, I smiled up at him before shouting back. “I'm Lola and I love this song.”

His chuckle vibrated his chest as he pulled me closer before spinning me around. The man could dance, which was a bit of a turn on, I had to admit.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked when the band announced a short interlude and normal background music came on. Elissa and her guy were already making their way off the dancefloor.

“I've got one, thank you,” I said, suddenly thinking of Joseph and his gorgeous face.

Those thick eyebrows rose again. “Do you?”

Glancing down at the glass I clung to, I sighed. “Oh shit, I spilt it all.”

How absolutely fucking funny. I burst out laughing as the man took my free hand and tugged me to join Elissa and her man at their table. Sitting, I turned to talk to him, but he had walked away and was approaching the bar.

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