Page 20 of Ringo's Silence

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“What can I do for you, Ringo?” Blade asks when he turns my way.

“Is the buyer finally okay with everything?” I nod towards the truck that’s pulling out into the road.

“Yeah.” He says.

“Fucking finally. I hate making nice bikes for rich fucks that probably won’t even ride the mother fucker.” Goose growls.

“Those rich fucks pay a higher price tag though just for us to put up with them.” Blade grins and we all laugh.

“Only good thing about it. I’m going to see what I can get done with this other bike that some chick brought in a few days ago.” Goose says, walking into the shop.

“Doesn’t sound happy.”

“Goose? Oh he’s definitely not. The chick that brought in the bike apparently went to school with Goose. He used to date her sister or some shit.” Blade says.

“Bad breakup then.”

“No telling and Goose hasn’t said.” He shrugs. “So what’s up?”

“I wanted to ask about Bella’s old car.”

“For Kimmie?” He asks and I shake my head. “Yeah, Bella and I were talking about that. It would be a good car for her. Still runs great, it just needs a tune up, oil changed, tires checked. That kind of thing. But Bella is pretty sure she’d refuse it as a gift.”

“Thought of that. I want to buy it and I’ll convince her it’s just a loan until her car is fixed.”

His brows raise at my idea.

“What?” I demand.

“Nothing. It might actually work. At least for now. Has she told you anything about herself?”

“No. Not talked much.” I answer as his phone beeps with a text.

He pulls it from his pocket and reads it before looking back up to me.

“Bella at least got a name out of her. Hugo. Says he’s Remmy’s dad.”

“There wasn’t anyone named Hugo in her file.”

“No, there wasn’t but maybe we need Snake to look more into her father. If this is what we all think it is, we might find more information looking at the piece of shit that helped create her.” Blade says and I agree.

“Be helpful if she’d open up more.” I comment in frustration.

“Remind you of anyone?” He laughs. “Besides, she doesn’t know any of us well enough yet to know if she can trust us. She only just got into town. Bella has taken an instant liking to her though. Plans to invite her to the family cookout next week so she can meet everyone else.”

“Who’s coming to the cookout?” We turn to see Sprocket and Gear walking towards us.

“Bella’s new employee, Kimmie.” Blade answers.

“Is she hot?” Gear asks with interest in his eyes and I grind my teeth together.

“Not for you!” I growl, shocking everyone, including myself.

“Me thinks someone has finally caught our silent brother's attention.” Sprocket grins my way and I restrain myself from punching him in the face.

“You two had best steer clear of Kimmie and not just because Ringo looks like he might kill you both. Bella might also slit both your throats while you sleep and the rest of the club women will more than likely help them.” Blade shakes his head.

“Fine.” Gear and Sprocket both roll their eyes like they are still teenagers before walking away again.

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