Page 10 of Ringo's Silence

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The second that I laid eyes on his sweet face, I knew I’d do anything to protect him.

Reaching down to grab my purse, I dig down in it until I find the smaller purse inside. I rarely ever open it as I don’t want to be reminded that often of things I can’t have.

Pulling out the few pictures and the papers, I look at the photos of me as a child sitting on the lap of a man that I don’t even remember.

I’m certainly glad that I don’t remember him because what kind of sick fuck would sell his own daughter?

The next picture of me, I’m a little older. A young teen and by the time this picture was made, I’d already lost my innocence.

You can tell from the look on my face that I’m drugged up. They loved to shoot me up with shit. It made me less likely to scream.

The last picture was taken right before I got pregnant at seventeen. My face is clear of drugs but there’s a sadness in my eyes that breaks me even now.

I had been sold to a man that had become one of my regulars when I was fifteen.

When he first took me in, he was nice to me. He actually left me alone the first month while I went through detox in my solitary bedroom that I was never allowed to leave.

There were bars on the windows and men were always standing guard outside my locked bedroom door.

I knew they were there because I could hear them talking. That came in handy later right before I left.

I’ll never forget the first night he came into my room. That’s the night he branded me on the inside of my thigh.

Even now, I can feel the raised flesh there as a reminder of the hell I went through.

Shoving everything back into my bag, I fling it down to the carpet below and lay back down on the soft pillow that I imagine smells like Ringo.

Now there’s a man that is more than easy on the eyes. He doesn’t seem the type though that would want damaged goods.

Moving my hand to the mark on my thigh, I rub it softly, wishing it weren’t there.

Instead of thinking of it being gone, my mind conjures up Ringo’s face. What would he do if he saw this mark? Would he look up at me with those sexy eyes of his and kiss it softly?

Rubbing my hand over my thigh once again, a different feeling zips through my limbs. My nipples peak as I sigh into the room.

It took me years to find out that sex could feel good for me as well. Of course, I’ve never been with a man to prove it though. Just my own hand which I currently imagine is Ringo as he licks up to the apex of my sex.

“Oh, yeah.” I moan, biting my lip.

My fingers slide up through my center, coating them with my slickness. My other hand reaches for my nipple and I give it a gentle but firm pinch.

I imagine Ringo, between my legs, licking my clit and reaching up for my nipples at the same time. I’m working myself up to the edge faster than I ever have before.

Just as my make believe Ringo’s tongue dives deep inside of me, his fingers pinch my nipples really hard and I cum like I’ve never cum before.

“Oh, shit.” I breathe out into the quiet room. The credits from the movie rolling on the TV.

Surely it wouldn’t be that good with the real thing. Could it?

Getting up, I go to the bathroom to clean myself up before crawling back into the bed. Pulling the covers back up to my chin, I close my eyes and fall asleep quickly.


Pulling up to the clubhouse, I scan the yard looking for Snake’s bike to be sure that he’s still here.

While he’s found a really great woman that will put up with his shit, apparently one that knew him before the club, he can still be found working in his computer room here at the club.

The man keeps some crazy ass hours so that he can be present during the day for his twin girls he only recently found out were his.

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