Page 1 of Ringo's Silence

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Chapter 1


Walking into Bella’s Brew, I wave at Bella before heading to the back to take a seat in a booth. There’s a new woman behind the counter with Bella and I can tell it’s her first day. Bella seems to be trying to show her how to work the cappuccino machine.

I laugh a few seconds later when the woman does everything Bella shows her and then turns it on only for it to spray the liquid in every direction. The woman looks almost ready to cry until Bella laughs hysterically.

She must not know Bella very well. She’s not one to get mad about spills. Instead she’ll laugh while helping to clean up the mess.

The woman is obviously new around here as I can’t recall ever seeing her in town. I know every face around here and I don’t know her. She’s not one I’d forget anyway. She’s beautiful in a way that most wouldn’t recognize at first glance.

Her hair is a light brown that would probably flow to the middle of her back if it wasn’t pulled back in a ponytail. Her waist isn’t so thin that you’d wonder if she was eating enough either. Unable to stop myself, I look lower and my eyes land on wide hips with thighs a man could get lost in.

As if she could hear my thoughts, her gaze swings my way and I hurriedly look down at the table. A minute later I hear footsteps coming my way and I see the toes of her shoes from the corner of my eye.

“Bella said to bring this to you.”

Glancing up, I watch her as she sets a plate in front of me with a large piece of pecan pie and a glass of water. She waits several long minutes before turning to go back to where Bella is.

She says something to Bella and my eyes look in their direction. The woman’s face turns slightly red as if caught saying something and all Bella does is wink in my direction.

Turning my eyes back to my pie, I dig in, enjoying every crumb. I’m just finishing the last bite when I hear the bell over the door and look in that direction. A young boy around twelve or so, with a backpack on his back comes through the door.

The woman behind the counter, rushes over to him with a smile. There’s enough resemblance that anyone can tell that he’s her son. They talk for several moments before he leaves again and she goes back behind the counter.

Getting up from the table, I head towards Bella, bringing her my plate so that she doesn’t have to get it from the table.

“Thank you, Bella.” I say, handing everything to her.

“You’re welcome, big guy. Are you heading back to the clubhouse?” She asks as I watch the other woman walking towards us out of the corner of my eye.

“Yes.” I answer, unable to stop myself from looking up at the newcomer.

“I’m going to start mopping the kitchen.” She tells Bella.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. We’ll be locking up soon.” Looking back at me, she says, “Ringo, this is my newest employee, Kimmie.”

I nod at her, unable to force any words out. It’s always been this way, unable to fully communicate with others in the way that I’d like. Always afraid of the stuttering that eventually comes out when speaking too many words.

“Nice to meet you, Ringo.” She says, offering her hand.

I stare at it for a long moment before taking it with my own. Feeling her soft, small hand wrapped in mine, I briefly wonder if she’s that soft all over.

I shouldn’t think such things. She has a kid which could mean there’s a husband somewhere. Realizing I’ve held her hand too long, I drop it quickly, stepping back.

“Night.” I nod at them both and head out the door.

Once the cool night air hits my face, I take a deep breath, filling my lungs to capacity. I love the night, especially when it turns off cooler just before winter. In my opinion it’s the best time to ride on a bike. There’s nothing else like it.

Walking to my bike, I’m just getting on when I see movement to my left. It’s the woman’s son sitting inside an old beat up SUV. He’s reading a book with a flashlight and is bundled up with a blanket.

Drawing my brows together, I wonder if he’s been in the vehicle the whole time she’s been at work but surely he hasn’t. I didn’t notice him before I went in although I really wasn’t paying attention. If he’s in the vehicle, there’s probably a good explanation like someone just dropped him off and now he has to wait for her to finish up.

Starting up my bike, I take off down the road, back to the clubhouse.


“You’ll have to forgive my friend Ringo. He doesn’t talk much.” Bella says, gaining my attention from the door the big man in a leather vest just walked out of.

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