Page 25 of Echo of Revenge

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I pushed in deeper than I had before, hitting all the angles of her wall. I pumped into her relentlessly until I felt her walls begin to flex around me.

“Savina…” Her name escaped my lips like a plea, or rather a prayer. She felt so damned good I didn’t even know what to do with myself. I had fucked many women in my days, and I had taken them in ways that could not be deemed respectful to women at all. And yet, not a single one compared to what she felt like.

“Ah!” she screamed into the study. To think that I was ravaging her this way in the very room her father used to work… There was something risky and borderline taboo about this.

She was almost there. I could feel her getting closer and closer until…

“Andres!” She pulled herself up and held onto me for dear life as she found her release. Her walls collapsed around my length, and that was all I needed to find my release.

We rode out our highs together, the sweet ecstasy filling every vein in my body. I emptied myself into her, my movements slowing as the fire inside calmed and the hunger had been quelled.

When the fog had cleared, I raised my head from her neck. Somewhere amid our battle of passion, her scarf had fallen from her neck, displaying the marks that were now beginning to heal. I pulled out of her, my eyes still locked on her bruises. She blinked, cleared her throat and dropped from the desk. There was a slight tinge of pink to her cheeks, and her perfectly done hair was left unruly.

When I had put myself back in my pants, I allowed her the space that she needed to correct her dress and make sure that she was somewhat presentable.

We stood in silence as we stared at each other, not knowing what to do next.

“I should go.” She moved her gaze to meet mine. “I have a meeting I need to attend.”

She tried to brush past me but my hand shot out and grabbed her shoulder. I pulled her back so she stood in front of me. My eyes were glued onto the bruises that were a mixture of purple and yellow now.

My fingers traced the side of her neck tentatively.

“Does it hurt?” The question left my lips before I could even accept it in my brain.

“Not anymore.” Her gentle voice was but a small whisper. “It did before.”

Her brown eyes danced against the morning rays of sunshine streaming in through the window. There was this hidden innocence behind her gaze. There was a little girl hidden deep within her that craved to be set free.

“I shouldn’t have laid hands on you like that,” I sighed. “What happened was not your fault.”

I had taken a week to gather my thoughts and make sense of Danny’s tragedy. Though I still wanted Boris’ blood, I could not blame Danny’s death on Savina. She had only done what she said she would if I pushed her, and I did. Danny had made his own choices.

“Are you apologizing to me?” There was a slight tinge of humor in her tone. “Who knew that the great Mafia Prince was capable of feeling remorse.”

I grabbed the silk scarf from her hands and wound it around her neck. “Being able to admit one’s faults makes you a far greater man than one who is stuck in his ways.”

“When did you get philosophical? I thought your only forms of communication were groans and grunts.”

I gave her a deadpan look. “You’re very funny, Mrs. Valdez.”

Something in the air shifted when I called her that. It was the first time that I acknowledged her as my wife verbally to her. I had called her my wife dozens of times over in my mind before. But saying her new name out loud to her felt different. It felt more real than it had until now.

She moved her eyes from me to the window on the side of the wall. From here you could see the rolling hills that graced the backyard of the Baratelli estate.

I finished tying her scarf, my eyes taking in every inch of her face. It was rare she ever let me get this close to her, apart from the two times we fucked. But here, in the gentle warmth of the morning sun, she seemed softer and more approachable. From a distance, she had this wall of ice and concrete around her. It kept out anyone who didn’t have the keys to her gates.

“We need to move to Manhattan, Savina. This war is far bigger than you. Dimitri arranged us so that we could fight this together, and in order to win this I need to be at my base, where I can freely command.”

She cut her eyes back to me, the softness that had once been there gone. She stepped out of my hold and stared at me. “I’m safer here than I am there. And if we must be within the city, then we stay in Brooklyn.”

“This is the same home that they broke into and killed your father in. You are safer with me in Manhattan than you are here with your men.”

“Are you saying I can’t trust my men?”

“Yes.” My answer was immediate, and from the look on her face, it offended her greatly. “It has taken you nine years, and you are yet to find the man who pulled the trigger and killed your father and brother.”

Her body flinched, but only just so. She was trying to keep her emotions in check, but I was slowly beginning to learn her tells.

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