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I neither need nor want a beta woman in my life, and yet here I am instead of at home, watching over her. It’s as if some primal part of me has taken control, demanding that I stay by her side, even though I know getting attached is dangerous. If we were to accept Aria into our pack, to form a bond with her as a beta, it would be a temporary solution at best. In our world, the connection between alphas and their true omega is sacred and irreplaceable. If we ever found our destined omega after bonding with Aria, we’d be forced to break that bond, potentially destroying her in the process. It’s a risk I’m not willing to take, no matter how drawn to her I feel.

I stand and quietly cross the room, my eyes never leaving her. She looks so fragile, so vulnerable, curled up in the bed. It makes my blood boil to think of the monsters who hurt her, who turned her natural instincts into a source of terror instead of joy.

I pull out my phone and dial Malachi. He picks up on the second ring.

“Zane, everything okay?” His voice is rough, as if he’d been sleeping, which is when I realize how late it is.

“No, everything’s not okay,” I admit, glancing back at Aria’s sleeping form. “Listen, we won’t be coming to the pack house tonight. Something came up with Aria. I’ll call you later with details.”

Malachi’s concern is immediate—a reminder of why I trust him and the rest of the pack. He already knows I’m with Aria. “Is she all right?” His voice carries a weight of understanding, knowing how much this situation affects me.

“She will be. Just give us some space for now,” I reply smoothly.

Malachi doesn’t push. “All right. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do.” I hang up, slipping the phone into my pocket. My packmates are good men. They’ll understand.

Turning to Aria, I feel a surge of emotions that I’m not entirely sure how to handle. She’s strong and resilient, but there’s a fragility to her now that makes me want to protect her at all costs.

The logical part of me screams to keep my distance, but the protective side, the one that’s growing stronger each day, refuses to let go. It wars with the logical side of me. This woman is a mystery. She has secrets that run deep, and she’s running from something…or someone.

I move to the window, my steps silent on the plush carpet. My fingers part the heavy curtains, revealing the glittering cityscape beyond. I press my forehead against the cool glass, letting out a long, controlled breath that fogs the window. The world outside is oblivious to the battles people fight within themselves. My reflection stares back at me, eyes dark with concern and conflict, jaw clenched tight enough to ache.

I grind my teeth. I know the best way to uncover someone’s secrets is to get to know them and get under their skin, but the more I learn about Aria, the more I actually like her.

The silence is broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioner and Aria’s steady breathing. I make my way back to the bed, settling into a chair beside her. I can’t bring myself to leave her side, not when she’s so vulnerable.

I watch over her as she sleeps, every so often brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. She looks peaceful, the lines of stress and fear smoothed away. It’s a stark contrast to the panic-stricken woman who clung to me in the car.

As the hours tick by, I find myself piecing together fragments of Aria’s past. She muttered a name during her panic attack—Noah. It’s not much, but it’s a start. I’ve seen enough victims of abuse to recognize the signs, and Aria’s behavior screams of past trauma. Whoever this Noah is, he’s left scars deeper than any physical wound.


The name alone makes my fists clench. I want to find him and make him pay for every ounce of pain he inflicted on Aria. The logical part of me screams to keep my distance, but the protective side refuses to let go.

I wait until she’s deeply asleep before sitting in the chair at the small table and pulling my phone out. While she passed out pretty quickly, any small movement had her twitching. Finally, after a few hours, she falls into a deep sleep. It’s nearing one in the morning, but I know Quinn will be awake, either playing some video game or tweaking something.

I dial Quinn’s number, and he picks up on the first ring. “Zane, what’s up?” His voice is bright, the sound of rapid keyboard clicks in the background.

“I need you to do some digging for me,” I say without preamble. “I need everything you can find on a man named Noah. Last name unknown. Connected to Aria in some way.”

The clicking stops. “Aria? Angry laundry basket girl?”

“That’s the one.” I glance over at her sleeping form, a pang of protectiveness surging through me. “She showed up to my last class and then showed up again today. She’s in trouble, Quinn. I need to know what we’re dealing with.”

“She’s getting to you, huh?” Why is he so happy about that?

She is, but my gut is screaming at me to keep my distance and figure her out. She reminds me of another woman in another time, one I thought I loved…one who did nothing but use me. I look over at Aria, but instead of seeing her, I see the one I thought I’d love forever. The others may have forgotten her, but I haven’t. I never will. “No.”

“I’m on it.” The determination in his voice matches my own. “Give me a few hours. I’ll call you as soon as I have something.”

“Thanks, man.” I hang up, leaning back in the chair with a sigh. Aria is sleeping peacefully, but it isn’t her I see. It’s a beautiful brunette with ridiculous bangs and black-rimmed glasses—another beta, in what feels like another lifetime.

I haven’t thought about Jane in nearly five years. Jane who left. Jane who ripped my heart from my chest. I know I shouldn’t compare the two women, but I can’t help it. On the surface, they share similarities—both betas, both with secrets. But where Jane was calculating and cold beneath her façade, Aria radiates a warmth and vulnerability that feels genuine. Still, the parallels are enough to set off warning bells in my mind.

My mind races with possibilities, each one more unsettling than the last, until it circles back to Noah.

What kind of man could instill such terror in a strong woman like Aria?

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