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“Don’t like them?” I’m way too curious for my own good.

“Hell no. There are rumors that they are burying packs who don’t have a lot of money and only matching packs with omegas who have a certain net worth. They are totally corrupt.”

“I had no idea.”

“No one does.” She snorts. “But I used to work there.”

I try to shake my head in surprise, but she’s holding me down. “Sorry,” I whisper when she yanks my head back.

“Stay still, I’m almost done.” She spins me around to face the mirror. “Voilà! What do you think?”

My jaw drops. Somehow, Willow has tamed my unruly mane into soft, beachy waves that frame my face perfectly. The faded pink looks intentional and edgy, like I just stepped out of a music video.

“Oh, hell yeah.” I lean forward, feeling amazing! “Call an Uber.”

“Finish that marg!” She begins chugging hers, and somehow, I don’t even think she pauses. It just goes down her throat in one smooth draw.

I choose not to chug tequila.

It might be the most responsible decision I’ve ever made.

With my hair done and makeup applied, we head out, calling an Uber to take us to the Red Door. As soon as we slide into the backseat, Willow leans forward and gives the driver a mischievous grin. “You better take us somewhere fun, mister!” she says, her dark eyes sparkling with excitement.

The driver chuckles, glancing at us in the rearview mirror. “The Red Door, right? That’s a good spot. You ladies celebrating something?”

Willow gives me a knowing look. “Just celebrating life and good friends,” she replies, clinking her margarita glass against mine.

I laugh, feeling the tension from earlier start to melt away. “And amazing margaritas,” I add, taking a sip. The tangy sweetness is perfect, and I can’t help but smile. Willow is like that one friend who has zero impulse control, which is something I thought I had, but no. Willow allows the internal voices a chance to shine, and I love it.

Willow nudges me with her elbow. “Speaking of celebrations, did I ever tell you about the time I convinced a whole bar it was my birthday just to get free drinks?”

I shake my head, already grinning. “No, but I’ve got to hear this.”

“Okay, so I was on spring break my junior year, and with a summer birthday, I was the last of my friend group to turn twenty-one.” She rolls her eyes at that. “I found this chick online making side money selling fake IDs, so I messaged her because I don’t want to live my life with FOMO, you know?”

I nod, already chuckling. “Of course. Missing out is not an option.”

“Exactly!” Willow continues, her hands animated as she talks. “So I get this ID, and it’s laughably bad, but my friends and I were determined. We hit this dive bar downtown, and I was ready with my sob story. I told them my dog, Sparky, had run away that morning, and all I wanted was a birthday drink to cheer me up.”

I burst out laughing. “Sparky? You just made that up on the spot?”

“Yup! And it worked! People were buying me drinks left and right. By the end of the night, the whole bar was singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me. At one point, the bartender even brought out a cupcake with a candle on it!”

I clutch my sides, laughing so hard it’s difficult to breathe. “I can’t believe you pulled that off! What did your friends do?”

“They played along perfectly, of course! We thanked everyone for the birthday wishes, finished our drinks, and got out of there before anyone realized what happened.”

The driver, clearly enjoying our antics, chimes in. “I’ve seen some crazy things driving people around, but that might just take the cake.”

“Or the birthday cake,” I quip, earning a snort of laughter from Willow. “Oh my god, Willow, that’s insane!” My face feels flushed, and I know the alcohol is kicking in. “I can’t believe you pulled that off!”

Willow winks at me. “What can I say? I’ve got skills.” She leans back in her seat, a satisfied smile on her face.

“All right, ladies, it’s been a pleasure,” the guy says, and for the first time, I look at him. He’s older, an obvious silver fox, but not my type.

Meaning he isn’t a part of Clarke pack.

“Sidewalk, please,” Willow sings as he stops the car beside the club, which does, in fact, have a huge red door.

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