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“I know. But it’s still a limited time. I feel like it’s going by so fast.”

She lifted his hands and kissed them. “I’ll be back before you know it, and then we can have lots of sex. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

He laughed. “It does, really.”

“See?” She beamed. “Now, go. Play hard.”

She pushed, turning him down the hall and towards the field. He chuckled and got to walking, looking back at her just a couple more times before he stepped onto the field.

“Alright.” She let out a breath, reaching for his combot. She had been the one holding onto it for a while now.

She had to work fast. They knew Elffa was monitoring his combot, but they didn’t know how closely. If it was Drevor still in charge of them, she would be worried that she’d know instantly. But he was competent and devoted. She didn’t think Elffa would be so diligent in checking up on what they were doing every moment of the day. And ordering a hover was one of the things that they were already allowed to do.

She pulled up the ride service and began entering the address for the stadium and the address Drevor had her memorize.

Focused as she was on typing, she didn’t immediately notice the shadow that came over her. But she definitely felt the sudden heat on her back.

She paused, fingers in the air as she became acutely aware of the presence behind her. The immediate urge to run was swiftly tamped down. She knew she wouldn’t get away. The only thing she’d do was end up hurting herself.

Besides, she didn’t run from her problems. She confronted them.

“I’m guessing I won’t need this ride, huh?” She asked.

No response, but she didn’t really expect one. The screen in front of her was disturbed and vanished as the combot whirred in protest. But it couldn’t do anything against the large fist that covered it, ripping it out of the air.

She turned, completely unsurprised to see Blue and Green there. Both looking down on her with that detached, cold look in their eyes.

“Well,” she gave them a frosty look of her own. “Let’s get this over with then.”

Chapter 28


“Rane, seriously. Enough.”

“One more drill.”

“No. Enough.” Sal’s voice was hard, bearing no further argument.

Rane, clenching his teeth, looked back at him. He was sweating. Panting. Crest fully raised. He wasn’t the only one either. The entire team was floating around, looking at him. They were all exhausted from the last two and a half marks of practice.

Rane glanced down, throat tight. But Sandy wasn’t there yet.

How long did it take to restore her fertility? Had something gone wrong?

Sal floated over, getting right in his face. Rane had no choice but to focus back on him, brow furrowed with worry and irritation.

What was taking her so long?

“What is with you, Rane?”

“I just want to practice.”

Sal snarled, pulling back.

Rane saw the punch coming but did nothing to stop or block it. The blow lacked power, as Sal was as fatigued as the others, but it got the point across as Rane grunted, head jerking to the side. It wasn’t very painful, but it definitely throbbed as he looked back at the team captain.

“If you have something to say, just say it!” Sal snapped, crest fully up in his rage.

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