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“Yeah, it’s a pretty exclusively human concept, as far as I understand it. It just means that we can’t have babies until I turn things back on. Pretty handy for me since I don’t have a period or anything so long as it’s off.”

He continued to look confused, but he didn’t ask further questions. He just shook his head. “Okay. That’s fine. How do we turn it back on?”

“I need to go see a doctor.” She hesitated before continuing. “Drevor said that he’d find one for us. Someone we can trust. Someone that he thinks will be able to take care of me and a telfay-human hybrid baby. There hasn’t been one yet, as I understand it.”

“No. You would be the first,” he agreed. “Fine. So be it. We’ll do it the moment your fertility is restored and get it over with as fast as possible.”

Sandy cocked a single brow. Not saying a word.

But her silence was effective and he focused back on her face. “What? What is it?”

“See, maybe I’m just a romantic, but I kind of thought the decision to have my first child with my alien sort-of-husband would be more… I don’t know… momentous?”

He just blinked at her, and she was pretty sure he didn’t get it. Because he wasn’t seeing a possible baby between them. He was seeing a solution to a problem. And while it would definitely be that, she didn’t want it to be just that.

“Or even maybe agreed upon with a bit more enthusiasm,” she chuckled.

“Sandy, I…” He hesitated but didn’t seem to realize what she meant. Only that she wasn’t totally pleased with the plan.

Shaking her head, she smiled. “Forget it. What made you change your mind?”

“It’s our quickest and surest way out of here. It’s also the best way to keep you safe.” His grip on her shoulders tightened as he looked square in her eyes. “I can’t protect you, Sandy. I can’t help you. I can’t do anything for you. I can’t even buy furniture for our room!”

“There are worse things.”

“But I can do this.” His jaw tightened again. “And when I do, the moment we know we’ve succeeded, you need to go to the embassy.”

Both her brows popped this time.

“Not for good!” He hastened to say. “Just to report what’s happening. The domini are humanity’s protectors. If you explain to the embassy what’s going on, they can do something for you, keep you safe and out of her reach. Not forever. Just… Just until our young is born and we know that you’re both out of my mother’s grasp.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll be fine.” He shook his head. “We have no proof of what she’s doing to me. No proof that I didn’t do it willingly. Especially since… I have been doing it willingly.”

Sandy frowned. “Doing it because she’d force you to if you didn’t is not willing, Rane.”

“Maybe. But it still offers no proof of what you can tell them. But you can still be safe. You can still get out of here. You and our offspring.”

It wasn’t a bad plan – per se. It was, in fact, something she had already thought of doing. But…

“What if they don’t help me?” She asked calmly.

He reared back, like the idea hadn’t even occurred of doing. “They have to…”

“Because they’re humanities protectors? Just because the domini act as a protector of Earth doesn’t mean they’ll care for one individual human.”

“They have to,” he frowned, but didn’t sound as certain as he had a moment ago. “That was part of the agreement. Humans should be able to go to any domini, or ratchi, embassy and seek asylum if they need it.”

“What if they determine that I don’t need it?” She countered calmly. “What if they don’t see our situation as worthy of the trouble it would take to hide me for nine Earth months? I don’t know how that translates into Levtiram time, but that’s a decently long time in Earth years.”

“But that’s…”

“Or worse, what if they decide that the ‘best’ way to protect me is to send me back to Earth? What if that’s their only method of problem solving?”

He winced. That thought had clearly not occurred to him. But he wasn’t really thinking through anything right now. He was trying to take action. Which she wasn’t bothered by. She wanted him to have the desire to fight for himself, but not without thinking first.

“Rane, let me ask you something?” She started gently. “Do you want to have babies with me?”

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