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It had been so long since he’d genuinely felt that way and not just some chemical facsimile of the real emotion. He’d almost forgotten how nice it was. The lightness in his limbs, the bubbling in his chest, the genuine warmth that pervaded every part of him.

But there it was. He was happy.

He didn’t care that his team was cheered while he was booed. He didn’t care that the gossip forums were saying that his stunt at the arcade was just a belated attempt at cleaning up his image. He didn’t even care that he was still under his mother’s thumb.

He was freer than he’d ever been, the future looked promising, and trikball was a game that he loved once again.

The final buzzer rang out and they absolutely destroyed the other team. They had beaten them seventeen to four. It was honestly an embarrassing gap for them, and with that kind of point difference, it would be hard for them not to be eliminated at the end of this round.

For Rane and the others, it was a joyous thing. They roared their victory in the locker room after their obligatory healing sessions. Even Rane got into it. Roaring, pounding feet and fists, as they celebrated their triumph and promised that the next team would be trounced just as viciously at the next game.

“Hey, Rane,” Sal clapped him on the back as he was applying his arm buckles. “We think we’re going to have a private party today instead of going up to the rooftop club. You in?”

“Private party?”

“Just us and family. Lisra is with Sandy. You coming with us or do you two want to go home?”

“Come on, Sal,” Arus called out, smirking as he shut his locker. “Isn’t it obvious? He’s newly mated. You think he wants to spend time with us?”

“No, he’s not,” Louve cut in, frowning exaggeratedly. “Remember? He’s been mated for tendays now. He just didn’t feel like he should alert us of that fact.”

“True,” Arus said as the three beaters nodded along solemnly. “Such a breach of trust…”

“I think there should be a penalty for that,” Louve smirked wickedly.

Rane smirked. “I already scored all your points for you today, Louve.”

“Those were lucky shots!”

“Luck plus coincidence equals skill,” Rane taunted back as the others laughed.

“Alright,” Sal interjected, chuckling. “Let’s just be happy that Sandy is a good influence.”

“Certainly not on his sense of taste,” Zell hollered, earning more jeers.

“Jealous?” Rane ran his hand over the newly plucked side of his head. Both of them were smooth now. He hadn’t had a chance to tattoo them yet as he planned, but he liked the look. “Sandy says this style on Earth is called a ‘mohawk’. She says that it’s a very popular and punk hairstyle on Earth. She loves it.”

“Only a mate would,” Zell taunted, a wide grin on his face, no heat in his voice.

“Enough,” Sal interrupted again, still chuckling. “Rane, you coming to the party or not?”

“I will if Sandy does.”

At least three of the others groaned exaggeratedly, but the rest laughed as Sal messaged Lisra to ask what Sandy preferred.

In moments, the team was going up to their private box, still chatting and cheering about their victory today. Rane couldn’t remember the last time they’d been this happy either. Even when they won the planetary championship, the mood hadn’t been this good.

Or maybe it had been, and he’d just been so far removed from it, he hadn’t been able to recognize what was going on.

The private box was already deep in their own celebration when they entered. The moment they stepped inside, however, a loud cheer rang out. Their friends and family converged on them, offering drinks and congratulations.

Rane looked over them all, scanning for a little female that stood so much shorter than everyone else. It made it hard to spot her.

But he certainly couldn’t miss it when she broke free, rushing for him.

She looked so damn cute. The shorts she’d picked today were hot pink and tight – she called them hot pants, and he thought it was a rather perfect description. She had a sheer, iridescent mini dress over them and a short, white top underneath that clung to her breasts. Fuzzy boots and bracelets sparkled while a flowered headpiece in front of her ear kept her hair back.

He understood why everyone said she looked wild and tasteless – but he’d honestly never seen anyone more beautiful and desirable in his life. It wasn’t about what craziness she was wearing. It was the bright smile on her face, the confidence in her step, the sheer joy when she threw herself at him, arms around his neck, legs around his waist, kissing him deeply like they weren’t in public.

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