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All the while, she was laughing hysterically as she clung to him and her wildly mussed hair floated around her head. Rane smiled at her like he had never seen anything more beautiful.

He continued smiling at her as the worker brought the anti-gravity generator offline, slowly lowering him to the ground. Rane didn’t put her down, however, as he walked off the landing plate with her still in his arms.

“That was incredible!” She yelled, delighted.

“Then, why are you crying?” He laughed.

“Because it was terrifying! Just that huge drop! And then the fall! It was like touching death but falling back into life’s arms! I couldn’t breathe or think or anything! Can we do it again?”

He laughed, stroking one hand up her back. “As many times as you want. But we have to get back.”

“No,” she whined plaintively, wanting to stay.

But they both knew she didn’t really mean it. They had their obligations tonight, and they had to get ready for the fancy party Elffa was hosting. It wasn’t a social event; it was work. The Eliviers had won their most recent away game and gained enough points to be in the top ten. The last ten teams who remained in the Coalition Championship had secured their spots and, before things got more heated, there was a fancy fundraiser.

Not for the team. The team was raising funds as a charity thing. It was apparently a tradition for all teams that made the top ten. It was something that he couldn’t avoid, and something his mother had to let him attend – and, by proxy, Sandy, since she was now outed as his mate. If she didn’t let Sandy go, there would be questions.

Sandy wasn’t allowed to go with him to away games. That was too long of a leash for his mother. Off planet, she might be able to get help for both of them. So, he’d been forced to leave her behind when he went to play his most recent game.

It was annoying. She wanted to follow him. She wanted to see new places, watch all his games, celebrate with the other mates, have fun adventures like this all over the galaxy.

But they were still trapped with his mother. And as much as she hated it, she couldn’t do anything as he led her back to their hover. Blue was driving them. Because she might have managed to push the two ratchi back, but she couldn’t get rid of them entirely. They were, no doubt, just waiting for them to mess up so they could drag them before cameras again.

But aside from their new fashion choices – which would definitely be talked about – they had done nothing bad thus far. They were being very well behaved publicly. If the worst things people could say about them from now on was how weirdly they dressed, they were winning.

How they dressed now was a problem for Elffa, however.

“You look ridiculous,” she spat venomously later, when the two of them appeared before her in the entrance hall, ready for the party.

Rane didn’t say anything. He just looked at Sandy. Waiting for her response.

It was funny to her. He could throw himself off the top of a building without a single concern, laughing and playing all the way down. But when it came to this woman that probably weighed half of what he did and was easily a full head shorter, he practically hid behind Sandy.

And she was perfectly okay with that. He wasn’t flinching at the sight of his mother anymore, so she was going to consider this progress. And until he felt comfortable standing up to her, she would happily play shield for him.

He would encourage her to jump; she would encourage him to stand. Someday soon, they would be able to do both together.

“I don’t believe I asked you for fashion advice,” Sandy returned coldly, leaning into Rane with a distant scowl as she stared at this female she was quickly coming to hate.

“You’re dressed like a whore. You’re going to disgrace me.”

“Strange how that never seemed to bother you before,” Sandy shrugged, running a hand down the front of her new dress.

Maybe it was disrespectful to this new culture she was immersing herself in, but she absolutely hated telfay female fashion. It was all a beige dystopia – and it was what Elffa wore. It was what she forced Rane to wear. Giving him his own identity was the least Sandy could do. And if everyone thought she looked ridiculous? Well, it had never bothered her when she wore orthopedic shoes and granny panties, it certainly wasn’t going to bother her now.

And she actually liked what she picked for herself and Rane. To celebrate her new shaved swirls on the side of her head, she had picked an orange dress with pink swirls that clung to her torso before flaring out into a wide, asymmetrical skirt that had pretty white lace on the inside. She paired it with white heels that wrapped up her calf that were decorated with loops of pearls. More pearls were draped over her bare shoulders, twisting around her arms, dangling from her ears, and shined in the hairpiece that held back her hair.

They might be masculine colors to the telfay, but she defied anyone to say that the extremely feminine outfit was at all masculine.

Even better, she matched Rane. Just as she thought, the blue of his crest looked incredible when it was paired with orange. It had been hard to find a shade that didn’t clash with the gold of his skin, but the effect was well worth it. The tight pants hugged his muscular thighs before being tucked into a pair of white boots – all decorated with golden accents that matched his skin perfectly. One of his arms was heavily decorated with golden belts, but the other had only a single strand of pearls around his wrist. To top it off, she’d had him remove his claw caps. Telfay males didn’t go around without them, because they were so much sharper than female claws, but she rather liked the edge that brought him. And also fuck telfay fashion rules.

They were bright, they were loud, they were absolutely ridiculous by Earth, and also telfay, standards – but she didn’t think she’d ever felt so beautiful in her life. She understood absolutely Rane’s desire to pose when she was dolled up like this.

And who cared what anyone else thought? She had practically swooned at the sight of Rane when he finished dressing, drooling over him as he oiled up his feathers so they shined. And when he looked at her, his eyes burned with amorous appreciation. So, if the two of them were having a great time with their terrible fashion sense, what did they care what anyone else thought?

Elffa gnashing her teeth because they were embarrassing her was just a cherry on top of an elaborately tiered, gaudy, borderline tacky cake.

And she loved every sickeningly sweet bite of it.

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