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“It’s just…” Her gaze lowered. “I couldn’t take all of you. And I couldn’t satisfy you fully either. And here I was thinking I could ride you at my leisure. It’s kind of laughable.”

“You wanted to ride me?” He asked eagerly, cock twitching inside her.

And she felt it too, judging by the way she jumped. “Y-Yeah. I did… but I can’t even-”

“Good,” he cut her off, turning them and laying back so he could splay her across his chest, cock still warm and hard inside her. “I look forward to it.”


“They say humans change,” he hummed thoughtfully, gently stroking the part of her ass he’d swatted. “To match their alien mates. We are matches, Sandy. We will fit. I know it. You will get your chance to ride me. Once I’ve finished stretching you.”

She blinked at him. Then smiled, the thrill of the challenge in her gaze. “I guess I’ll just have to build my stamina, huh?”

“I’ll be more than happy to help with that.”

She giggled, reaching up to touch the new bald spot on his crest. Shame and embarrassment immediately flooded him, but before he could say anything, she said-

“I think I want to shave the side of my head too.”


Chapter 17


Cool air rushed over the newly exposed part of Sandy’s scalp as she stood, holding tightly to Rane’s arm, as she stared at the large drop ahead of her.

“I don’t know about this,” she mumbled, her belly tightening in fear.

He chuckled. “Come on. It’s not dangerous at all. It’s fun. Think of it as an adventure.”

She pursed her lips, giving him a look that only made him laugh harder. He was definitely throwing that in her face now only because she had done it to him earlier.

Today was the best day she’d had in a long time. The moment the curfew lifted in the morning, they left the manor together. There were boring obligations planned for tonight, so they had decided to go out and have fun for as long as they could beforehand.

After grabbing some breakfast from a street vendor, they immediately went to her hair appointment in an alien district. Telfay didn’t have hair, but the city did have a large alien population owing to the proximity of the spaceport. As such, they had a portion of town that had sprung up dedicated to seeing to their needs – one of which was a salon that catered to any type of service you might need for any skin, fur, feather, or scale type. It included everything from claw care to skin treatments. They served a lot of needs.

Sandy had them shave the left side of her head, sweeping what remained over to the right, showcasing the pretty, swirling design they’d shaved into the thin layer of brown hair that remained. The effect was both punk and feminine, and she absolutely loved it.

And while they were there, she had convinced Rane to do the same.

That had been a bit difficult. Male telfay were very concerned about their crests. But she didn’t want to mess with any of the big, showy feathers, just the smaller ones on the side. She wanted him to match her hairstyle. Which was one of her arguments that she’d presented right along with the one about having an adventure.

He’d had those feathers plucked, essentially ‘shaving’ that part of his head, and she immediately kissed the newly exposed skin. Loving it. He couldn’t put swirling designs on his the way she had, but she heard him discussing a possible tattoo to put there instead with the stylist. She loved that idea – especially if they could make it the same blue as his feathers.

And maybe it was unfashionable for the telfay, but she loved the punk look it brought to him, and she loved even more that they matched.

But he couldn’t tattoo skin he’d so recently had plucked. It wouldn’t come out right unless they got it healed by a medscanner first, and it just wasn’t worth the trip. So, he was going to come back later. She couldn’t wait to see it.

However, it was his turn to pick the next activity. And he had picked BASE jumping.

Well, that wasn’t what it was called here, and there was no parachute involved, but the fact remained that they were about to step off the side of a building and free fall. For fun. Or something. She assumed it was fun for them, it certainly didn’t seem fun standing here!

“You’ll love it,” Rane promised, whispering in her ear. “I’ll be with you. And if you don’t like it, at least you can say you tried it. Your grandmother would be proud, wouldn’t she?”

“She would…” Sandy mumbled, just imagining how much her grandmother would have absolutely loved to go BASE jumping. If her body could have withstood it. She definitely would have cackled like a maniac and done a flip on the way down.

“Okay,” Sandy gritted her teeth. “Let’s do it.”

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