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“Of course. We’re in the Coalition League this year. We won the planetary title last year. So, now, we’re competing for the ultimate title. Which means we have to go to other teams’ stadiums and face their hazards, just like they have to come to ours.”

Sandy was aware that he was explaining the rules of the game, but she wasn’t listening anymore. She finally caught sight of what he had been drawing, and she was stunned. He hadn’t drawn the stadium or anything related to trikball at all.

He had drawn her.

Sure, it was crudely done. The technique was bad, but it was still obviously her. The eyes, the hair, the smile. She wouldn’t call him a prodigy, but there was clear emotion in the lines. Though he didn’t know what he was doing, he had put his all into recreating her likeness.

Was that what he had been looking at so sweetly? So lovingly?

“I-It’s not that good, I know,” Rane said suddenly, self-conscious. She turned to find his eyes were lowered and his crest was down. Like he was waiting for her condemnation.

“Rane, is this how you see me?” Sandy asked softly, reaching for him. Ink smudged across his cheek as she stroked it gently.

“I know it’s not that good. I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

“No, I love it!” She insisted, grabbing his face with both hands, yanking him down to kiss him enthusiastically. Pouring all of her appreciation into it.

Because it didn’t matter that it was messy and splotchy and badly drawn – not when she had seen how much care and adoration went into the creation. Not when she could feel it in every line that had been so carefully, if inexpertly placed.

He really was adorable.

And then, suddenly, he wasn’t.

Sandy gasped in surprise when he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up, putting her thighs around his hips as he shoved her back against the wall, cushioning her head with his hand. The move put them at a more even height with each other, but she lost all of her advantage as he took over the kiss, claiming her mouth with an eager desperation that was reflected in the way his entire crest lifted into the air.

Then, his tongue was sliding along hers, claiming her mouth, and her eyes fluttered closed again as she grasped at him eagerly. Heat burning through her veins.

Her hands down his back – no doubt spreading more ink stains – and she realized it wasn’t an oil that made him seem so shiny. His skin just gleamed that way. Besides where she was spreading ink, his skin was hot and dry and hard. The muscles of his back strained under her nails as she dragged them across the wide plane, shivering from the heat and strength of his body.

He kissed her like he was starving. Like he was mad from needing her. No one had ever kissed her like this before. Messy and wild and eager. Grinding against her between her thighs, one hand grasping her by the back of her head, the other palming her ass and using it as leverage to increase the pressure against the absolute log throbbing in his pants.

“No,” he growled, breaking the kiss, dropping his head back.

Sandy didn’t let go. She pulled herself closer, off the wall, by his shoulders and began kissing and sucking on his neck. He groaned, balancing on one hand as she eagerly nipped and sucked, leaving bright marks against his skin. Nibbling on the taught cord that strained as his hips continued to jerk and flex, as though imagining fucking her.

“Please, stop…” He whimpered, setting butterflies dancing in her stomach. She’d never made a guy whimper like that before. She wanted more of that.

Using the grip of her thighs on his hips, she pulled herself up so she could nibble his ear, making him moan and whimper more. She had no idea she’d like that so much. It was suddenly all she wanted to hear. The urge to push him down and suck him off while he panted and moaned for her made her belly clench in longing.

“Sandy, I can’t…” He panted, dropping suddenly to his knees, but wrapping his arm around her to keep her from hitting the wall or the ground.

“Can’t what?” She asked, reaching between them to flick his nipple with her thumb. She wanted to control and pleasure this muscular, gorgeous man. She wanted to tie him up and ride him until his balls were empty and she was satisfied.

“I can’t… mate you…” He groaned, his entire body trembling as she sucked on his earlobe, loving the salty taste of his skin. “I have to… send you home… I can’t if… if…”

“Who said I wanted to go home?”


Sandy switched to his other ear, and that was apparently the really sensitive one, because he immediately whimpered for her again as she rubbed his neck and licked the sensitive appendage.

“I’m having adventures, remember?” She whispered in his ear, running her fingernails down his spine, making him hunch over, nearly putting her on the ground. And she was absolutely okay with him fucking her right here. “Why would I give that up?”

“Not… adventure…”

“That’s for me to decide, isn’t it? Put your hands on me, Rane.”

He shuddered. She could feel the hesitation in his body. A fight between keeping hold of her, hiding his face so she couldn’t kiss him again, or putting her on the ground so he could continue what they started. All the while she was whittling away at his self-control, eager to find out what it would be like to fuck her alien.

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