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Elffa made a sound of annoyance, but Sandy didn’t give her any further attention. She was focused on the golden skinned male stumbling to his feet like a drunkard picking himself off the sidewalk. Sandy made a face as his smell reached her – stale beer and spoiled wine. There was also something sweet there that might have been pleasant but was sickeningly sweet like cleaning fluid and filth mixed together.

“Monna,” he greeted Elffa with a smile, falling back, only being saved when Green put a hand on his shoulder and shoved him forward again. “I can always count on you to ruin a good time.”

He was… a mess.

For all that Elffa was dressed like a middle-aged woman steeped in wealth and power, this guy dressed more like a bodybuilder – one who just got last place in competition and wasn’t taking it well.

He was shirtless but for a single leather strap decoratively cinched under his impressive pecs. Broad shouldered with very defined musculature and big hands. Unlike Elffa, he didn’t have a soft layer of feathers all over. He was fully bare, allowing anyone to admire his gorgeous form. More leather bands decorated his arms, and he had golden caps over his fingers, covering what appeared to be claws, attached to chains that connected to his wrists. He had on shorts that were very low and small, showing off as much of his chest and thick thighs as he could. Leather sandals covered his feet and wrapped up his calves. He looked ready to join the male strip show – or like he might have just come off stage. Was he oily or was his golden skin just naturally shiny?

This male, that she had to imagine was Rane, turned from Elffa and looked at her. Their angled, black eyes were exactly the same, but aside from that singular feature, they couldn’t be more different. Where Elffa had a soft, rounded face and head, his features were all sharp and squared off. Like a marble statue from the ancient masters.

But there, on his head, were his feathers. Not the short, soft kind that covered Elffa, but an impressive, long crest of bright, baby sky blue feathers that were half raised in attention. And completely messy and in disarray.

There was something in his expression. Something soft and almost… pained.

But it was gone in an instant as he sneered, leaning back.

“Ew. I thought human females were supposed to be gorgeous. Why’d I get the ugly one?”

One of Sandy’s brows popped, but she maintained her silence. Not that she needed to bother, because Elffa was already speaking – though certainly not in her defense.

“This is my son, and your mate. As you can see, he’s a pathetic excuse for either, but then I hear you humans will fuck anything, so I’m sure you don’t care.”

Sandy half turned back, looking at Elffa, keeping Rane in her sights – mostly out of concern. He was swaying in a very concerning way. If he fell, Sandy wasn’t sure that she’d be able to help or stop him from hurting himself.

Rane scoffed, looking at his mother, pointing down at Sandy. “You really expect me to be able to get hard enough to fuck that? Sorry to tell you, monna, but I think that mate match nonsense is a scam.”

“That’s fine,” Elffa shrugged. “I don’t rightfully care if you two don’t like each other. And there’s medication if you need some assistance.”

Rane looked thoughtful for a moment, crossing his arms over his large chest. “Maybe I can bring an actually sexy female into our bed and fuck her while looking at the pretty one. I was with this sweet, voluptuous little thing last night that-”

“Spare me,” Elffa said, thankfully cutting him off. “I know what you’re doing Rane, and it won’t work.”

What was he doing? If he was trying to speedrun the quickest breakup ever, she’d happily oblige him – but still, she held her tongue.

That brief look of pain on his face. Like he knew what was about to happen and hated it. Was she seeing too much in him? Maybe he just had a hangover.

Regardless, she maintained her silence as Elffa spoke.

“Orza, take the female to their room. Rane… ugh, go clean yourself up. You have practice this afternoon. You can fuck your new mate later.”

He was not touching her with a ten-foot pole, Sandy wanted to tell them. But again, she said nothing as Blue – she had to assume that was Orza – stepped forward and took her by the arm. He wasn’t precisely rough, but he wasn’t gentle either, as he pulled her from the room. Sandy didn’t fight, knowing better than to think she had a chance with someone that huge.

But she was thinking. Wondering how she was going to get out of here.

Because there was absolutely no way she was staying. She didn’t know what she had just inadvertently stumbled into, but she wasn’t going to have any part of it. These two could work through their issues on their own, she was bailing the second she figured out how to contact the embassy.

Chapter 4


Pain exploded across Rane’s face, right over his nose, as he was sent flying. He didn’t try to block the blow. He didn’t try to recover. He hit the boundary of the sphere as the taste of blood hit his tongue and an irritated voice called out a halt to practice.


“Tir kala fick me sundrassa, Rane!” Sal cursed at him, flying his way. “I am tired of dealing with your shit! This has got to stop!”

The lecture continued, but Rane wasn’t really listening to the team captain anymore. He was floating, looking up at the sky, hating himself. Hating his life. His nose throbbed, definitely broken, but he didn’t really care.

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