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But another part of him was happy just knowing it happened at all. Part of him didn’t want to see his mother ever again, regardless of the reason. He didn’t know how long she would be gone from Levtiram – her punishment and subsequent mandatory rehabilitation would be determined later – he did know that she wasn’t his problem anymore. He would never be under her control again, and if he ever did see her again, she wouldn’t be able to do anything to him.

It was freeing.

Only until the head female continued speaking:

“Secondly: Drevor el Sunran el Truella has no charges laid against him. Though he is guilty of aiding and abetting Elffa in her various crimes, his participation was either ignorant or forced. Furthermore, he made efforts, despite the extortion of Elffa, to aid Rane and Sandy. Therefore, he is to be freed from detainment without punishment.”

Rane bit his lip as he listened to her continue with all his teammates – starting with Sal – and declaring something similar for each of them. Unlike Drevor, their complicit actions were only ever ignorant. His mother hadn’t blackmailed, extorted, or threatened any of them, but she didn’t have to. She had them doing what she wanted through good, old-fashioned manipulation. With that power, she got them to do whatever she wanted, and they were innocent of any crime.

It seemed to take forever to get through them all. But then-

“Finally: Rane el Elffa el Avanie.” The female lifted her head, looking right at him. “We had to debate for some time to decide what to do with you.”

His stomach dropped, but he kept his gaze steady. He would accept whatever fate they had in store for him. Sandy was safe now, that was all that mattered.

“The domini embassy had to get in contact with their colleagues around Earth. They have to amend their entire process for placing humans with their new alien mates. Not only that, but you’ve made us need to reconsider the process for adult guardianship, especially in regard to long term adult guardianship.”

Rane didn’t know if she was accusing him or just informing him, but he kept his gaze even. If his case meant that no others would have to be controlled the way he had been, then there was something good that came from this after all.

“Our main debate was whether or not to grant you legal adulthood,” she continued evenly. “Some of us argued that Elffa’s actions are not enough to excuse your own, and that you should, at least for a trial period, remain with another guardian until you prove that you are, indeed, mature without her. Others argued that you have already proven your maturity by the way you prioritized your mate through this ordeal and that you should be allowed your legal adulthood regardless of what choices you might make going forward. It was a spirited debate with good arguments on both sides.

“Therefore, before I announce our choice, we first wish to hear from you. Rane el Elffa el Avanie, you have the freedom to say whatever you wish right now. You can condemn your mother, you can plead your case, you can denounce the tribunal itself. We will listen to your words, whatever they may be. What is it that you want to say?”

She felt silent. The entire tribunal looked down on him, waiting patiently. Though the box was designed so that he would not usually be heard if he spoke, he knew that they could hear him now. He was given leave to declare whatever he wanted.

And, for a moment, he didn’t actually know what that could be.

What did he want to say? Beg for his freedom? Beg for forgiveness? Condemn the tribunals that allowed him to be trapped here in the first place? It all seemed relevant, but…

None of it was really important right now.

“Sandy,” he finally said, something tightening in his chest just to hear himself say her name again. The days they had been separated seemed to be entirely too long now. He knew she was nearby, but being unable to see her, to hear her, made that distance seem insurmountable.

The head female cocked her head, the barest hint of motion, as she gazed down at him without a change in expression.

“What of her?” She asked tonelessly.

“She should be granted legal adulthood,” he said firmly. “She was a legal adult on her planet already before she came here. She took adult guardianship of her grandmother when she became too ill to care for herself. She is intelligent and far more responsible than I am. Being mated to me should not mean she gets something taken from her, especially since it wasn’t a choice she made. I’ll accept another guardianship without complaint – be it temporary or permanent – but I ask for your leniency and understanding regarding hers.”

The head female sat back in her chair. The others leaned forward. Rane suddenly couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he could see that they were clearly speaking to each other. Deliberating again? He honestly didn’t care what happened to him at this point, so long as Sandy was okay.

Some time passed, and all Rane could do was shift his weight, waiting for their decision.

It came without fanfare or ceremony. The tribunal sat back in their chairs, and they all looked at him as, suddenly, he could hear the head female speaking again.

“The tribunal has come to a decision. As it pertains to the guardianship of Rane el Elffa el Avanie, we hereby do revoke the need for guardianship and bestow onto him the full responsibilities, rights, and privileges of adulthood for a telfay male. Furthermore, all funds and properties that have been confiscated from the criminal Elffa el Avanie el Mureen shall be distributed onto Rane el Elffa el Avanie as his rightful, earned, and/or inherited property.

“In regard to his mate, Alexandra ‘Sandy’ Tollman, in recognition of her legal adulthood attained on her planet, and the lack of consent in her mating, she will similarly be bestowed with the full responsibilities, rights, and privileges of adulthood for a telfay female without further delay.

“Rane el Elffa el Avanie and Alexandra ‘Sandy’ Tollman were both reluctant participants with their mating, but by their own requests, their mating shall be formally recognized as legal despite that.

“These are our judgments regarding this case. All parties not remanded into custody are dismissed and may continue about their day without further responsibilities towards the tribunal.”

The walls around Rane suddenly slid away, dropping down into the floor, at the same time as one rose in front of the tribunal members, hiding them from his view. He blinked, looking around the tribunal room.

The first thing he saw was one box that didn’t release its occupant. He leaned forward, not far, but just enough that he could see his mother’s hands pressed against the clear side. She had one fist flat on the panel, the other pounding against it angrily. He didn’t hear anything aside from the muffled thuds of her strikes.

But even that stopped when her entire box, with her inside, dropped down through the floor.

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