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“Is Sandy with Orza?”

Rane finally broke their gauntlets apart and replied evenly, “Yes.”

Arus pushed away from him, and they went right back to their drills.

The next one who approached him was Sal again. Rane threw the ball, but as he did, Zell ran into him from the side. Striking him right over the kidney, making pain burst all through his body, and upsetting his toss. As a result, the ball flew completely wide of the goal.

“Rane!” Sal shouted, his voice completely aggravated. “You missed! What is wrong with you!?”

Rane, groaning, stretched out his back. Gingerly touching the spot that Zell had struck. The pain was worse just because it was a sensitive location – kidney shots always hurt and, usually, in game, were considered a particularly harsh attack.

Then, Sal was there, shoving him in the chest. Snapping at him.

“You’re missing shots now?! Really?! The only thing we pay you to do is score.” He grabbed him with both hands by his chest belts, yanking him up to hiss right in his face. “Is Sandy safe?”

Rane blinked. “…No.”

Sal’s grip tightened. For just a moment.

Then, he shoved him back. Still snarling like he was angry.

“Back to work!”

Rane said nothing as he got into position. Sal kept being critical for the rest of practice, but the team stopped charging him down to ask questions.

By the time they called halt, he was tired and sore. He had to limp into the clinic to get healed up before returning to the locker room. He fully expected to be mobbed by the others, but to his surprise, when he walked in, none of the team was there. Kirs was. He had come to sit just inside the door, keeping an eye on him as he got changed.

Which Rane did without looking his way. He set his equipment back on their charging dock, got dressed, then approached the ratchi male, ready to leave.

Today, there was another charity event. The team had made it to the top five, which meant it was time to make another spectacle of themselves. Rane had to be there. If his mother kept him away, there would be questions.

When he wasn’t at practice, his days were rather boring. He returned to the manor and waited in his room for the next day. And that was it. Since his mother didn’t need to tarnish his name anymore, he never went out.

Instead, he laid in bed and wondered what Sandy was doing.

If she was safe.

If she was taken care of.

Where she even was.

Having something to do besides that should be a relief, but it was a just a burden. One he detested needing to fulfill.

But, at least, when it came to his charity work, it was money his mother was obliged to give up to maintain her public image. In a way, it was like it was being taken from her. He could only appreciate something like that.

And the underprivileged younglings of Levtiram could certainly put his credz to better use.

The rest of his team was already at the event hall when Kirs escorted him back in. He was wearing beige again, because his mother refused to let him out in the clothes Sandy picked for him. She couldn’t do anything about the tattoos on his head, but his head feathers were already starting to grow back in, ruining the effect.

He hated it. He no longer even felt like he was in his own body.

But his mother ordered him to let them grow back, so he did. His wardrobe changes earned some looks from everyone, especially his team. Like they were just as confused about the switch back as they had been by the first changes.

Even now, Sal and the others were staring at him as they waited at the front of the room with Elffa – because, of course, their team manager had to be there as well. His mother gave him a satisfied look as he took his place in the lineup with the others.

Rane didn’t really pay attention to her speech or the monetary amount she and the others were all making. He was incidental to these proceedings. A leashed beast told to pose. And he did it.

His mother finished talking and everyone applauded her. Rane wondered how long she was going to make him stay. He just wanted to go back.

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