Page 49 of Another Life

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“I would rather have you. I told them I already had a boyfriend and they said I can’t have you.” My heart ached to hug her.

“Aw, you are too cute, Baby, but it’s true. I’m your dad, I can’t be your boyfriend as well.”

“Then I’m having Stephen Moody because those twins are just ridiculous.”

“Sounds like you’ve got it figured out,” I replied, and chuckled again.

After a few more minutes, we ran out of things to say, and usually when that happened, Harper interjected and helped me conclude the call. When there was no sign of her, I eventually had to ask where she was.

“Is Harper there?”

“Yep, she’s in the kitchen with Uncle Dorian.” My stomach knotted.

“She’s not there with you?”

“No, I just told you she’s in the kitchen. She said when I’m done I’m to let you close the call and not to touch anything on your computer. She’ll come and shut it off when I go back and tell her.”


“All right, Sweetheart, I’m going to get off now and go out with the guys.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m heading to a party at one of Scud’s friend’s places.”

“Yay. How lucky are you? I’m going to bed, but it’s night here and it’s still a little bit day there, right?”

“Right, Baby. You are so smart. I’ll call you tomorrow around the same time, okay?”

Layla nodded and brought her face right up to the screen. “Mwah,” she gushed, kissing the lens.

“Love you, my gorgeous girl.”

“Love you too, Daddy,” she replied and jumped down from the screen. I sat waiting as I heard her feet pitter-patting down the hall, and in the distance I heard her shout, “Harper, we’re done. He’s gone now.”

I sat for another five minutes thinking she’d come and switch the computer off, but when she didn’t appear I let the call drop.

A new frustration had taken precedence in my mind and I knew, although I hadn’t initiated what had gone down between Harper and me, I knew I’d fucked up.


Stepping into the smoky, noisy atmosphere of the packed out after-party, I felt a little out of place. It had been a long time since I’d bothered to show up at parties, but I knew it was something I had to get reacquainted with. It had been years since I’d partied hard.

The one thing that hadn’t changed was the number of women pursuing me, especially one in particular.

Angela Barnett had always had designs on me, and although I’d enjoyed more than a few steamy nights in her company, I wasn’t interested this time around.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she asked in a full-on predatory tone. I’d put in a lot of time working on my health and I knew I looked better than I had in the previous few years.

“You think?” I asked, pretending I had no idea what women thought.

“Absolutely. Look at you, all lean and hard,” she gushed with emphasis on the word hard.

“Yeah, I figured I had to work out to get back in shape for the tour.”

“Well, let me tell you, it worked; you look incredible.” Glancing around, I saw a girl I’d spoken to a few times who was a backup singer from Donny’s band, and before Angela could monopolize my company for the night I quickly excused myself.

“Thanks, Angela. You look great too, by the way. If you’ll excuse me, I promised Barna Graham I’d meet her here tonight.” I’d promised no such thing, and I prayed Barna didn’t have a guy in tow.

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