Page 22 of Lucky Man

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“Oh feck, faster,” she ground out before her teeth bit her bottom lip and a frown creased her brow in frustration. I read the familiar build of her release on her furrowed brow and I fucked her harder. “Oh, Jamie, I’m coming,” she warned breathlessly as her eyes rolled closed in her pending ecstasy.

“Look at me, baby,” I demanded when I felt my own release looming. As my balls tightened and drew up, Daisy’s pussy clamped down around my cock. I grabbed her face and demanded her attention as she came in hard rhythmic pulses of pleasure. Every nerve in her body quivered uncontrollably as I held her shaking body tight and made her ride out every shock of pleasure I could.

“Jamie, oh, Jamie,” she moaned in a shaky voice as she clung to me like I was her last lifeline. Her nails ripped my back before I saw a pleading, helpless look of surrender in her beautiful eyes. She tried to hold my gaze and her seemingly never-ending orgasm became too much for me to deal with in that moment.

No matter how hard I tried to hold off, a shower of stars burst to life behind my eyes as they closed, while my brain went into meltdown, and I flew over the edge. Furious waves of pleasure rendered me weak as euphoria took over and I slumped down the wall, taking Daisy with me.

We sat in a crumpled tangle of limbs on the floor and kissed in an unhurried, tender embrace, the water from the warm shower still raining down on us.

“I don’t know about you, but I think I’m gonna need a wee nap. I don’t think I’ve the strength for any plans you had for that chocolate.”

“Agreed,” I said as I slipped out of her and we both climbed back to our feet. I quickly cleaned us both up, turned off the shower and wrapped her in a luxuriously thick, warm bath towel.

“Come on, that bed has been calling my name since I walked through that door, I can’t wait to snuggle up and lie connected with you by the light of the fire.”

“Jesus, how did I get so fecking lucky?” Daisy asked again like she couldn’t believe her life.

“Baby, I keep telling you this, but you don’t want to hear it. But trust me, you are my dream girl, it’s me that’s the lucky one.”


“Where the feck did I put my phone last night?” Daisy stage whispered to herself like she was trying not to wake me. “High” by Chainsmokers, her ring tone, filled air of the room in the breaking, dawn light.

Eventually she found her bag and answered her cell phone. I watched her through one eye and smiled. “Hello,” she whispered, and pulled the device away from her ear to see the time.

“You’ll need to be quick, Belle, I only have three percent left on my battery.” I chuckled as she stood naked, and laid waiting for her to come back to bed. Daisy listened to what her sister said and went to respond but her cell phone died before she could answer.

“Feck,” she muttered, dropped the phone on the nightstand, climbed back in beside me and snuggled down again. When her arm snaked over my waist, I moved closer, tugged her tight to my chest and settled my chin on her head. Inhaling her unique smell that was all Daisy filled my heart with contentment and I closed my still sleepy eyes again. “This is nice,” she mumbled close to my ear and wriggled still closer.

“Mm,” I hummed in satisfaction which turned into a groan when “The More You Ignore me” by Morrissey started to play on my phone. It was the annoying ringtone I’d assigned to my nephew, Ryan.

“Jesus. H. Christ, I’m starting to regret asking these kids to come along already,” I grumbled as I freed myself from Daisy and reached for my cell phone.

“What?” I snapped when I answered.

“Daisy’s phone died when Belle was talking to her,” Ryan informed me.

“We’re still asleep,” I hissed.

“Oh, that’s a new talent, Uncle Jamie. When you wake up can you tell Daisy that Belle’s waiting for her in the ski center like they arranged last night?”

“They did? What time is it?”

“10:00 am. Even Paddy is up. He’s like a big kid with the snow. Fortunately, he’s wrapped up to the nines so no one recognizes him, but I should probably warn you, he’s been drinking already. I figured you might like to know that since he’s being measured up for his skis at this very second.”

“Shit, we’ll get ready and be down there in about forty-five minutes,” I advised. “Insist he waits for us in the café directly across from the chair lifts.” I hung up before he could protest that no one told Paddy what to do.

Throwing back the covers, I climbed out of bed and turned to Daisy. “We need to move, baby. Paddy’s been drinking and he’s in the ski rental place right now.”

“God, wouldn’t Bernie stop him from going up the mountain like that?”

“Since when did Bernie ever stop Paddy from doing what he wants?”

“Point taken,” she agreed as she followed me out of bed and flung open her suitcase.

We dressed quickly in layers, and I went to speak to Felix who was watching the news on the TV in his room.

“I need you to get your ass down to the ski equipment rental place. Paddy’s been drinking and wants to go skiing.”

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