Page 6 of Lucky Valentine

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They’re commonly sent by husbands and lovers.

Although pretty, their meaning doesn’t set me on fire.

Only one rare flower can make me burn with desire,

An effervescent bloom that makes my body burst into flames,

With love that’s surviving, distance, oceans and fame,

To the rarest of flowers, my Daisy, my heart,

Here’s to when work doesn’t keep us apart.

Miss you already, J x

Seeing those last words told me Jamie’s feelings were the same; that excitement of seeing each other but, they felt mingled with feelings of the dread of leaving before our time together had even begun.

I lifted the card to my lips and pressed it firmly until my pale pink lipstick left a perfect impression of my slightly parted mouth and placed it back against the vase on the table.

“This is very romantic, Mr. Fontaine, If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me,” I whispered, fighting against a lump that had grown in my throat. My voice sounded gruff, a little wobbly, and I turned my head away from his piercing gaze because his words had stolen my thoughts for a moment, and I’d wanted to cry.

“Already seduced you and if I’d known I hadn’t needed the flowers and that sappy poetry…” he trailed off with a grin, immediately lightening my mood again.

I crossed the room in a hurry and threw myself back on his lap.

“You really get me, don’t you?” My question made him chuckle.

“Yeah, I got you… on the bed, tied up and wanton.”

I swiped his arm. “You know what I mean,” I insisted, gazing intently, and saw his smile immediately slip from his face.

“I do, and you get me, Daisy O’Donnell,” he said, his eyes taking me in and growing darker.

“For a while I was afraid to love you… I mean I did anyway, but I felt scared you’d break my heart.”

“And now?” he asked.

“Now I feel fearless. I couldn’t give a rat’s arse what people think about me — about us.”

“That’s my girl. And know this, people may try to make you doubt me so I’m counting on you to hold your nerve.” He ran his hand through my hair, stopped at the back of my head, pushed me closer and pressed a kiss onto my nose.

“Well, perhaps my time as a Dublin pub landlady will scare the shit out of them if anyone dares to cross me.”

Jamie grinned, a look of pride on his face. “Good, keep that fire in your belly and use it at will when you feel it necessary.” He stole a quick kiss from my lips, eased me off his lap and stood, fishing his cell from a back pocket.

“Shit, I have to do a quick photoshoot with the band downstairs. It shouldn’t take more than an hour then the only time I’ll be away from you is when I have the sound check and the gig itself. Want to come or do you want to stay here and relax?”

“I’ll stay, it’ll give me time to unpack my clothes. Besides, I prefer you to myself a little while longer before this thing that we have goes public.”

As soon as Jamie left the hotel suite, I felt restless and wished I’d gone with him. Deciding to make myself busy, I headed back to the bedroom and on the way; I caught sight of the envelope I had placed against the vase again. I picked it up and read the words again. My heart swelled at what he’d written and when I’d finished, I held it close to my chest. I’d always found poetry cheesy before, but I changed my mind because this was personal and had been written by the man who loved me.

Carrying it close to my heart, I placed it carefully in the net part of my suitcase for safekeeping and finished unpacking like I’d said I would do. Eyeing the jeans on the floor that caused Jamie frustration, I rolled them into a ball and tossed them into the wastepaper basket.

When he still hadn’t come back, I switched on the TV and flicked through the program channels, trying to find something I could understand, but I didn’t get far before I heard the suite door open again.

“Daisy?” Jamie's tone was quite demanding.

“In here,” I said as I began climbing off the bed.

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