Page 17 of Lucky Valentine

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“Come here,” he said, his arm outstretched, his hand opening and closing in a clutching motion. I shook my head no.

“Not yet,” I murmured seductively, and he groaned. “I’m hungry,” I said in my best school ma’am voice and turned away from him, stripping my bra away from me. I dipped into my suitcase where I’d left my lingerie, raked through the pieces and I pulled out a black satin all in one teddy, that I knew would be seamless under the dress.

Jamie sat down on the bed, his restraint making his jaw tick when I looked up at him. His eyes were dark, his irises almost swallowed whole by his pupils as he gazed at me. I noted his hands holding bunches of the duvet in fists.

“Come here,” he said again.

“No, because we’ll end up in that bed and I’ll never see the inside of that restaurant you’ve booked.”

“We could just have cock and pussy for dinner,” he stated with another sexy wink. His vulgar comment made my jaw drop. It was an instantly reminder to me, of the rock star he was.

“You’re so fecking crude sometimes,” I scolded, my cheeks flaming red as he stared wantonly at my naked frame while I slid on the one piece bodysuit in front of him.

“Can you blame me when you’re standing in front of me looking so fucking delicious, sliding that black satin number up and over your gorgeous…” his words failed him as I pulled the straps into place, slid my thumbs under the elastic at my arse, and pulled the bottom into place over both globes.

“Damn, you’re sensational,” he muttered, his hands fisting the bedclothes tighter in his effort not to jump up and touch me.

“Down boy,” I stated boldly when I saw his jeans had gone tight in the front. He grinned.

“He’s missed you,” Jamie chuckled, staring down at his weighty bulge. He reached out when I walked past him on the way to the closet, but I sidestepped him, and he narrowly missed grabbing me. The smug smile that played on my lips at his hungry reaction toward me, widened.

“Make yourself useful and call housekeeping. Those bedsheets need to be changed.”

“Jesus, she was really lying inside the bedding?” he asked, shaking his head. He stood and put his hand down the waistline of his jeans, adjusting his still hard length inside them, and pulled it out again.

“Yeah, buck naked, but something tells me that’s not news to you.”

His mouth quirked in a wry half smile and he sighed but didn’t reply. He wandered over to the closet and took out an expensive-looking garment bag. After he’d flung it on the bed, he lifted my dress off the hanger and handed it to me.

“I won’t lie and tell you it was,” he agreed, cupped my head and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry that happened to you, today.”

Without dwelling further, he let me go and turned his attention to unzipping the bag. Jamie took out a crisp white shirt and laid it flat on the bed. “I told you they were flakes, and for the record, I’ve never fucked a fan in my room,” he said as he pulled out the three-piece suit and smoothed it out next to the shirt.

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask where else it had happened, but if I had, I knew it would have planted an image and driven me mad, so I let it go, not willing to dwell on anything else in the short time we had together.

Silence fell between us, the questions I still had about him, about us swirling around in my mind, but I shook them off and slid my feet into the dress. I pulled it up into place and looked over my shoulder.

“Can you zip me up, please?” I asked and stopped dead for a moment, my thoughts stolen at the sight of his incredibly smooth tan pecs, the T-shirt he’d just removed still bunched in his hand. I must have stayed motionless a moment too long when he chuckled.

“Now who’s objectifying?” he teased playfully, dropping the cotton fabric onto the duvet and rounding the bed toward me. He tugged back my hair and pressed a kiss on my lips. Releasing his hold a little, his lips traced the contour of my neck and he nipped my skin where my neck merged with my shoulder. The scent of his cologne filled my senses as his hands brushed my bare skin on my back as he gathered the sides of my dress together. Feeling his hands on me turned me to putty in them, but I felt determined to see him dressed in that three-piece suit before we got back into bed.

I turned my back to him again and held up my hair. “Can you do me?” I asked, glancing back and nodded at one side of the zipper he held in his hand.

“Do you up? I’ll do you any way you’ll have me baby,” he replied, drawing his body closer to mine with a smile in his voice before he let out a gruff little groan.

His fingertips brushed my skin again and by the agonizingly slow speed he zipped my dress I knew he was deliberately taking his time. Leaning forward, he kissed the back of my neck, then my shoulder once the zipper was fully up, then his hands encircled my waist.

“Daisy, Daisy, Daisy,” he mumbled, kissing my ear and then the nape of my neck again. “What I want to do to you… all the filthy and naughty things I need to do,” he confessed gruffly without telling me what those things were. “I can’t keep my hands off you. You’re like a drug to me,” he muttered under his breath.

“Well, as long as it’s Diazepam or some other sedative I can deal with that,” I joked finding the will to step away from him, “because we’re going to the restaurant, Mr. Fontaine. You’ve never taken me on a proper date,” I said, cooling the seductive scene he’d created like a bucket of ice on a pile of hot coals.

“Of course, I have,” he protested, turning me toward him and staring with indignation.

“When?” I challenged, staring pointedly back at him, my hands covering his to stop them from exploring me.

“We went to the cemetery in Ireland… and I took you to Macy’s in New York—”

“Oh, and that’s what I’m to expect?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, but with amusement lacing my tone. “Is that how you seduced all those women? How many of them did you drag through a peaty bog to a drab old church cemetery in the rain to help you find your dead relatives? Or watched you cream your pants in the lingerie section of a closed department store like some weirdo hard up pervert?” I chuckled at the thought and he grinned.

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