Page 9 of Lucky Star

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“They’re out of bounds,” I snapped, knowing full well that order would have likely sparked a challenge within the boys, not that I’d ever have admitted this to Daisy.

“Your Uncle Jamie has spoken. You’ve both been warned off,” Cat stated.

“Why? Daisy, you’re holding out on us.” Ryan stated, his eyes narrowing as he focused on my girl.

“I haven’t been holding anything and neither will either of you, when it comes to my sisters,” Daisy warned.

“Is that so?” Nick asked, lifting his leg and crossing it at his knee. He grabbed his ankle and leaned over the table toward Daisy. “So, when are we meeting these sisters of yours?” he asked, his eyes glittering with mischief as he looked from Daisy to me, intentionally goading us both.

“They’ll be here for lunch tomorrow and you’ll both be sober and on your best behavior, you got me?” I ordered, flashing them both an evil eye, even though inside I found it funny they had been trying their best to wind us all up.

“Then it’s even more urgent, you tell us a bit about them both. It would look bad for you, if your siblings figured they were that unimportant to you that you’d failed to mention them to us,” Ryan chipped in.

“Poppy is twenty and is studying business at Kings College, London and Bluebell is studying geology at Imperial College, London.”

Immediately Ryan’s eyes lit up like a bulb had switched on in his head. “You’re shitting me; Daisy, Poppy and Bluebell? Don’t tell me, your dad is a botanist?” he asked, snickering.

“No, he’s a farmer actually, but his mom was called Daisy, so I’m her namesake. Poppy was born on Remembrance Day so naturally Poppy was perfect for her, and I was calling Belle, Bluebell before she was born. When she arrived and she was a girl, my parents ran with the name.”

“Bet she hates you for that,” Nick stated pointedly toward Daisy, but Daisy just shrugged.

“Actually, she loves her name, its unusual. It’s a great talking point among hot looking guys. You won’t find many Bluebell O’Donnells on Google. I don’t need to point out to you that it’s just caught your attention, right?”

“I think somewhere in there, Daisy just said I was hot,” Nick said, picking up on the one positive in my girl’s explanation about her sister.

“Hot or not, Poppy and Belle aren’t to be messed with,” I reiterated again.

* * *

It was an odd Christmas Eve, but wonderful as well. We sat drinking cocktails until almost midnight when Daisy began to yawn.

“Okay, guys, I think my girl has had a long and busy day. I’m going to get her to bed so that she can rest and enjoy the celebrations tomorrow. The management here have set up a private sitting room for us to relax together and put a private bar and buffet service together for us.”

Standing, we said our goodnights and I had the driver take us back to Daisy’s place. She’d fallen asleep on the way back, and as we drew up to the pub, it felt as if we were home. Nothing felt better than the prospect of waking up there in Daisy’s comfortable bed, knowing no one could disturb us for a few hours that following morning at least.

Chapter 7

My eyes fluttered open and a smile curved my lips when I saw my sweet Daisy’s head tucked neatly under my chin. It felt strange waking up to a completely quiet street outside, but I’d felt completely at peace with my girl’s warm curvy body spooned tight in front of me.

Breathing deeply, she lay perfectly still, deep in sleep and my heart swelled with the love that we shared. Sneaking a hand carefully over her head I plucked my cell off her nightstand and glanced at the time. It had already gone 11:00am. I had slept like the dead after my flight, the initial excitement of seeing Daisy, and being hurled straight into my glass collecting duties.

Daisy stirred, wiggling her ass closer to my body and a soft sigh left her mouth.

“Are you awake, baby?” I asked, even though I’d sensed the changes within her.

“Mm, can’t we just stay here like this all day?” she mumbled, before she turned in my arms, nuzzled her head back under my chin and pressed a soft kiss on my chest.

“Don’t tempt me, baby. I’m a rock star remember? We have a habit of bucking conventional behaviors.”

“Our first Christmas together,” she stated, quietly. “It feels kind of perfect just lying here.”

My heart swelled with those words and my arms tightened around her. I allowed my hands to slide down to her ass, straightened my legs and pressed her body flush against me. “It is. First of many, baby,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her hair and meant every word.

“What time did you tell your parents to come to the hotel?” I asked.

“Not until 12:30pm,” she replied, like we had all the time in the world.

“What?” I asked, my arms stiffening a little. Daisy pulled her head away from my chest and stared up at me.

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