Page 3 of Lucky Star

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“That's one of the reasons I needed to talk with you.”

“Don’t tell me bad news. I’d have to put my arse kicking boots on if you let me down.”

“Oh, baby, no. I’m definitely coming. The charter slot is scheduled. I’m bringing Paddy and Bernie across as well. They’re going to her parents for Christmas.”

“Alright, as long as you’re not letting me down, I can take whatever else it is.”

“I hope you don’t mind but I’ve invited Catrina and the twins to Ireland as well.”

“Oh, wow,” she replied, less enthusiastic than I’d expected her to be. “Wait… where am I going to put everyone? There’s plenty of room at my parents… but I’m not sure I want my wee sisters around the twins.”

I snickered at her thought, I’d completely forgotten about Poppy and Bluebell, Daisy’s twenty and eighteen year old sisters. The previous time I’d spent with Daisy had been all consuming with each of us barely mentioning our siblings.

While I’d stayed in Dublin, Daisy had gone to visit her parents alone one time when I’d gone to met Paddy after his honeymoon. Therefore, I hadn’t met her parents or either of her sisters who were living temporarily in the UK whilst at college.

“Agreed,” I replied, snickering. “I’d already anticipated your answer and know that space is tight in the pub. I’ll contact my management company about accommodation. I just wanted to run it past you before Catrina agreed to their trip.”

“So, I had a choice?” she asked, amused.

“Of course, you did. I knew you’d say yes though. I could tell you and Catrina hit it off. Anyway, back to the arrangements. Contingent to your agreement, I already had my PA pull some possible places for them to stay. There’s a hotel in Ballsbridge, which sounds like an interesting place name.”

“Ah I know it, looks quite stately home-like and set back from the main road?”

“That’s the one. I figure my comings and goings won’t get much notice there.”

“Right, that’s settled then. Look, I love you, but I need to head to bed because some of us have work to do in the morning. I don’t have the luxury of lying in bed while the royalties pour into my bank account.” I nodded to myself, disappointed again that our time was so short.

“Okay,” I answered, reluctantly, “Love you as well,” I said back. Daisy hung up and left me to contemplate how to make sure we didn’t waste a minute of the time we had together, when I landed in Dublin.

Chapter 3

Being chauffeur driven through the private terminal to my plane felt like the best perk in the world. It meant not having to deal with the hassle of holiday crowds and fans in the main terminal, and this alone, made the expense of the jet worthwhile, in my opinion.

My plane never sat idle. Whenever I wasn’t using it, there were a few select celebrities and businessmen I chartered it out to as well. The quick trips between New York and most states it was used for justified the two pilots’ salaries I kept on retainer when I wasn’t touring.

Once she knew Daisy was on board with the visit, my sister’s reluctance to accept my invitation was quickly forgotten. She and the twins were excited to be taking the trip.

Since Nate, her husband, went MIA with his secretary, I had funded the twins’ schooling, bought Catrina a home and met their day to day expenses. But at her request, apart from the house, it had been all low key. She insisted on no fancy or extravagant gestures, as she had wanted to keep the boys grounded.

I admired that she’d wanted her boys to make their own way in the world, rather than use my money and fame as a crutch. So, apart from attending a few concert venues and trips abroad to see me, this was Catrina’s and the twins’ first real insight into how I now spent my time when I wasn’t with her.

I’d never taken them to fancy hotels, preferring to rent a moderate house where Catrina would be able to relax. Knowing her well, I hadn’t wanted her to feel any place was too fancy that her boys were going to break expensive items that I’d have to replace.

The boys, Ryan and Nick, didn’t share their mom’s reservations and revelled in any VIP treatment they received on account of who I was. I suppose having been brought up with me as their famous uncle since the age of six years old, they had taken my celebrity status in their stride.

As we boarded the plane, Paddy and Bernie arrived and we all exchanged hugs.

“Did you hear our new single on the radio, on the way here?” Paddy asked with a smug grin on his face.

“No, I didn’t. What was the feedback?”

“Radio hosts are predicting a number one,” Bernie chimed in.

“As it should be. The amount of procrastinating that went into that song,” I replied, chuckling.

“Is this the first song from the new album?” Catrina asked.

“Yeah, ‘Daisy Restrained’,” I replied with the title, and the twins both chuckled.

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