Page 97 of Lucky Chance

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“Are you happy?” Dad asked me.

It was the one thing my parents seemed to care about when we were little, that we knew we were taken care of and loved. That we were happy living with them.

I looked over at Colton, who stood next to Dexter. “Yeah, I am.”

Every moment we spent together got better and better. He was my support system. My confidant. My friend and my lover.

Dad nodded. “As long as he treats you right.”

“He’s great,” I said to them.

Mom squeezed my shoulder. “We’re happy for you, then. We’re going to grab some food.”

“I need to stay here until my demonstration, then I’ll eat.” Delilah and I watched them leave and then she squealed, hugging me tightly. “I’m so happy for you.”

I shook my head, wanting to temper her excitement. “We’re dating, not getting married.”

“Still. When was the last time you dated anyone seriously or introduced them to Mom and Dad?”

“Never? But it wasn’t like he was just meeting them for the first time.”

Delilah smiled. “Trust me, he came over because of you, not me. I saw the way he winked at you.”

My face heated. I hadn’t thought they’d caught that because he’d been mostly turned away from them. “He’s great. So much more than I expected.”

“When we dated, we were kids. He’s different now, I’m sure. A man. What we had was so different than what I see between you.”

“Thanks for being okay with it.”

Delilah shrugged. “It’s fine. I didn’t feel anything when he approached. I’m just happy for you.”

“Want to do yoga with me? It starts in a few minutes.”

“Why not.”

I led her to the tent, where we got set up on two mats at the front. Suddenly nervous about leading a meditation, I needed the relief that yoga could provide. For the next thirty minutes, I focused on Shae’s voice, going through the poses, and concentrating on my breathing. When she was done, she waved me up.

Her voice soft, she said, “Remi’s going to lead you through a short meditation if you’d like to stay.”

I moved my mat to the front of the group, afraid to look at anyone. I’d never led a group like this before. I’d only done this with Colton.

Taking a deep breath, I called on how I felt in that moment with him, sure and confident of myself and my abilities. If I was able to open Colton up to it, I could do this.

“Meditation improves focus, relaxes you, and has amazing health benefits, but I want you to judge this session by how you feel when we’re done compared with how you feel right now.”

Stealing a glance at the room, everyone had stayed on their mats and waited expectantly for me to begin. Pleased, I said, “Close your eyes, or focus on a spot in front of you. I’ll lead you through a few deep breaths.”

I led them through a simple exercise of counting their breaths, noticing how it felt in their body, and then a few moments of silence to just be. I’d planned a simple uplifting meditation for love and kindness.

“Now, imagine a ball of light over your head, shining brighter and brighter. Let the feeling of that light soak in.” With each instruction, I gave them a few seconds to comply.

“Then expand the light to a loved one or even a friend you’ve had some difficulty with recently. Send them light and love.”

Peeking, everyone’s eyes were closed, and they seemed to be focused on their practice. Then I noticed Colton in the audience. Pleased, I quickly closed my eyes.

“Now, expand your light to anyone in your life or maybe even someone not in your life that you feel needs it.”

After a few more moments of quiet, I gently brought them back to awareness of their bodies and had them open their eyes.

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