Page 54 of Lucky Chance

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Arranging ourselves on the long couch I bought when I moved in, Remi tucked her leg underneath her. “We really need to plan this fundraiser thing.”

Scout settled at our feet.

“I think first, we should schedule a date.”

Remi nodded. “I need that to feel the pressure to get things done.”

Another clue as to how she operated. I pulled out my phone, running over possible weekends with her.

Remi typed notes on her phone. “I’ll send these dates out to the other shop and restaurant owners. See when everyone is available.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Sometimes it’s best to just schedule it.”

She pursed her lips. “Maybe.”

“With so many people involved, it will be impossible to get a date that’s perfect for everyone.”

She laughed lightly. “Yeah, okay.”

“The social worker, Alisha, gave me a list of items the money will be used for like school supplies, clothes, and toiletries.”

“That’s good.” She pulled up the list, handing her phone to me to read. As I went through the list of items, an idea came to me. “What about starting some sort of mentoring program for the high school students? Offering them internships or jobs.”

“That’s not part of this fundraiser, but that would be neat for the future. I like that idea.” When Remi looked at me with respect in her eyes, it made me feel like a hero.

She started a list of the food and drinks we’d have, making a note to email everyone to make sure they’d be able to follow through. “What else do we need?”

“Entertainment? Music, games, or activities.”

“Should we invite foster kids in the area? I’d have to ask Alisha if that’s okay.”

“If that’s the case, we should offer soccer or baseball. Maybe have something smaller for the little kids like bubbles, chalk, and other toys.”

“It’s not as complicated to plan as I thought.” Other than spending more time with Remi, I hadn’t looked forward to the actual planning.

She tapped the end of her pencil against her notebook. “This is the easy part. It’s making sure everyone shows up with what they’re supposed to bring that’s challenging.”

“You talked about raising money from ticket sales, but could we do more? What about a raffle for restaurant gift certificates, a weekend at a bed-and-breakfast, a spa day, or a tune-up at the new garage? It’s a way to get all the stores involved that don’t offer food or drinks.”

She snapped her fingers at me. “I love that idea. It’s a great way to advertise the participating businesses and raise money at the same time. Colton, you’re a genius.”

My chest filled with pride at her praise.

She furiously wrote down what we’d talked about.

When she was done, she set her notebook aside and leaned back in the chair.

“Are you feeling okay after what happened today?”

Her brow furrowed. “Not really. I feel off, and I don’t like it.”

“What do you normally do when you feel that way?”

She sighed. “Meditate, do yoga, hang with my friends. Nothing seems to be working, though.”

“Want to try it together?” I knew nothing about those things, but I wanted her to be herself, to feel good again.

She huffed a laugh. “What, meditate?”

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