Page 35 of Lucky Chance

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“You said you lived in Maryland all your life?” Colton leaned back, his arm slung over the empty chair to his right. I wish he’d put his arm around me.

Smiling, I said, “That’s right. I even went to college here.”

He tipped his head to the side. “I didn’t know. Delilah and I—we were broken up by then.”

“I majored in health and nutrition. It’s useful for my business. I’ve thought about using it to give health advice, not just at the counter, but maybe in the form of one-on-one coaching.” My face heated. Colton probably thought that wasn’t something people would charge money for.

“What would you advise people on?”

“A lot of women are looking for the right balance of nutrients after having a baby, and they’re breastfeeding. Some want to diet but want to do it in a healthy way.”

“So, you’re giving this advice over the counter, so to speak?”

I nodded. “I give out general information with the memberships but nothing specific.”

“Are you going to do it?”

“I’m thinking about it. I love talking to people, helping and motivating them.”

“You’d be great at that.”

His confidence in my abilities threw me for a second. “You really think so?”

“You’re intelligent, passionate about what you’re doing, and motivated. You can do whatever you set your mind to.”

His words settled in my chest, sending ripples of pleasure through my body. “Thanks, Colton.”

He spread his legs under the table until his knee rested against my thigh. “How do you know what to charge for that kind of thing?”

“I’ve been doing some research on it, but setting a price is daunting. What if they say it’s too much, or they don’t want the service?”

“Yeah, I could see that. Research what others are charging, and do something middle of the road until you get more clients. Then raise your prices accordingly. I have a feeling you’re going to be in demand, especially with all the mom forums. Word will spread.”

“You’re so confident.”

“I spent the day with you, and I know how special you are, how much you have to offer.”

Was what I had to offer something he wanted personally? Or did he just like that I made him feel good?

The waitress stopped by with our dinner plates, asking if we needed anything before leaving to help another table.

We dug into our food, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how supportive Colton was. I’d mentioned my health coaching plans to my old boyfriend, and he thought it was ridiculous, that no one would spend money on what was essentially a cheerleader. He’d completely negated my background in nutrition.

“What about you? You have any future plans?” I don’t know why I asked, other than to support him the same way he had me.

“I never finished college. While not required, it would help my chances of being promoted. So, I’m taking classes, mostly online, to complete my degree.”

“That’s great, Colton.” I wanted to ask why he’d dropped out at all, but it didn’t seem like the right time. We’d had one good day, and I didn’t want to mar it with something that might be painful for him. He had to have some reason for quitting school and enlisting.

“I’ve been volunteering as a community liaison to prove myself to my boss.”

“Is that why you came to the Shops on Main meeting, and you’re keeping an eye on Max’s bar?”

He nodded.

“I thought you were doing it as Max’s friend.”

“That too. But it’s also a good career move, or, at least, I hope it is.”

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