Page 30 of Lucky Chance

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“How bad is this going to be?” I scanned the group; most were women in leggings and tank tops, stretching and talking with friends.

She laughed softly. “It might be rough. I suspect you’re not all that flexible.”

“You’d be right about that.”

Her expression softened. “Focus on your breathing and being in the moment, and you’ll be fine. You can’t do anything wrong.”

“Aren’t there specific poses?”

“Yeah, but the instructor will guide you through it and help you with positioning if you need it.”

What I didn’t say was that I wanted Remi to help me, not the woman at the front of the room, who didn’t do anything for me.

“Good morning. I’m your instructor, Eloise. Let’s get started.”

Eloise sat on her mat, crisscross style, so I copied her, then glanced at Remi to make sure she was doing the same thing. Remi smiled at me before turning her attention to the instructor.

Her smile was reassuring and soothed my nerves.

Eloise started by telling us to close our eyes. At first, I was antsy, noticing the lumpy ground under my mat, the buzz of a nearby bug, and the rustle of the wind in the trees. Then I followed her instructions on my breathing, and the tension in my neck eased slightly.

Then she had us go through a series of what she called sun salutations. It was a lot of up and down, downward dog and plank, and forward fold stretching. If she asked me to replicate it, I couldn’t. But I kept up, even though my body felt tight.

Every time I glanced over at Remi, she flashed me an encouraging smile. It was worth it to be here with her. I’d probably follow her anywhere for the promise of her smile.

At the end, we lay on the mats, going through what seemed like a meditation while the instructor came around, spritzing some lavender-scented spray over us. When we were done, I felt better and more relaxed. Not nearly as tight as I was on the drive over.

Rolling up our mats, Remi had a soft expression on her face and a smile playing around her lips. “You liked it?” she asked with such enthusiasm I couldn’t say no.

“It was interesting.”

She laughed, the sound carrying on the wind. “Want to drop this in your truck and explore?”

“Sure.” Dropping her mat into the bed of my truck, she held out a hand for me.

Taking it, I couldn’t help but wonder if she thought this was a date. She’d said it was a challenge, a way to help me, so I decided to relax and let go of any expectations.

We walked the property, taking in the gardens and the quiet spots.

“This place is beautiful. I’d love to live somewhere like this one day. It’s a beautiful escape.”

“You don’t like living in town?” I wanted to know more about her and not just her past.

“It’s great for now, but this? It’s amazing. It soothes my soul.”

In that moment, I wanted to offer her anything that would put a smile on her face.

At a bench in front of a small pond, I indicated we could sit. Remi pulled out her water bottle, took a sip, then offered it to me. I drank gratefully, parched from yoga.

“I still can’t believe Delilah didn’t tell you about our past.”

“We were kids.” That she didn’t feel comfortable sharing with me meant we weren’t as serious as I’d always thought.

“Still. I feel bad that I haven’t been as close to her the last few years.”

I should ask if Delilah would have a problem with us dating, but instead, I asked, “She’s a veterinarian?”

Remi tipped her face up to the sun. “Yeah, and she got a job right out of school at some clinic in Virginia. She’s always loved horses, and I think there are a lot of large animals in the country.”

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