Page 60 of Resist You

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“All right, so if that’s how you feel, do it,” I agreed. “Bearing in mind it may lead to Marnie, your brother in law, Franco, and most importantly your dad knowing. Are you prepared for that … comfortable with that?” Concern tightened my chest because the last thing I wanted for her was to challenge her mom and create another layer of hurt for herself.

“I’m not there, yet,” she said, drawing out the word. “If it spreads the burden for this between me and my mom, then it’s something I need to do. Will I feel comfortable doing it? Absolutely not. My biggest fear is my father finding out and how he would look at me afterward. We have a special relationship, have had all my life … I think that’s why I’ve been scared to confront my mom in the past, and why I haven’t taken you to meet them yet.”

“Tricia, from what you’ve told me, the man dotes on you. If it’s pure unconditional love he’s not going to change his opinion. Your mom, on the other hand— he may have a few things to say to her on your behalf when he does find out. Perhaps you should set yourself a timeline for this, don’t go rushing into it. Think about what you want to say, write it down, and think on it again. After a week or so, go back and see if what you wrote is still what you want to say, if not amend it. Then, when you do finally face her, you’ll be rehearsed and measured in the way you want to handle it. Control is key for you to finding your peace with this. Who knows, your mom may say something that unlocks some answers for you. I mean, as you never spoke about it, you have no idea about the things left unsaid.”

“I’d hate that … to lose control in front of her,” she said.

“If and when you decide to do it, I think you’d feel better not being on home turf. Let me know when you’re ready, we could use the family penthouse instead of either of our places, that way you won’t have to picture conversations that took place at home,” I suggested.

“Did you fall from the sky?” Tricia asked, affectionately, a small smile on her face. “How do you think of this stuff?”

“You forget I’ve been where you are now. I had to face my family after Charlotte and I split up in my parents’ kitchen,” I shrugged, “I get replays of that conversation when I visit sometimes.”

Leaning up, she brushed my lips with hers. “You’re a good man, James, and Charlotte was a manipulative bitch. I’m sorry she put you through that. I know you feel as if you were weak, but you weren’t, you were just being human,” she replied, sounding angry at how I was treated.

“Forget about her, I’ve moved on to a far better life, but just know I’m here for you all the way, baby. I think you’re so fucking brave. When I think of all the years you’ve carried this alone, it breaks my heart,” I squeezed her hand, “and I’m really proud of how you’re handling this.”

Pulling away from me she looked touched by my words, swallowed audibly and tears welled in her eyes.

“You really love me, don’t you?” she asked in a whisper, but it wasn’t really a question because I showed her every day.

“What’s not to love? You light up my life … and the sex isn’t half bad either,” I joked, lightening the mood. She chuckled. “So, since we’ve lost track of the plot of this movie, what say we grab another bottle of wine, some ice from the icebox, and I’ll teach you a neat little move that involves us getting naked and tangling our sheets?” Tricia grinned and shook her head.

“Sex isn’t bad, huh? Looks like I may need to up my game, Mr. Wild.”

“Oh, you’ve got plenty of game already, lady, but I figure I still may have a trick or two left up my sleeve. Want to test that theory out with me?” I asked, wagging my brows. She rewarded me with a chuckle.

“A girl can always use a little more magic,” she agreed.

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