Page 51 of Resist You

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Chapter Twenty

Slender fingers gently sifted through my hair, dragging me from my deep unconscious state to a semi-conscious one. The soothing gesture had felt truly sublime as I lay basking somewhere between blissful contentment and semi-aroused. Tricia liked to play with my hair, messing it this way and that when we lay in bed and she woke before me.

Slowly I opened my eyes and smiled. Fresh from sleep she looked gorgeous, her thick dark blonde hair cascading over her bare shoulder. Without thinking I reached out and swept her hair behind it, leaving it bare, lifted my head off the pillow, and placed a soft kiss on it.

“Morning,” she whispered, her expression serious as her eyes roamed over my face. Her finger traced my lips then my jawline before she leaned forward and planted a soft, closed-lipped kiss on mine.

“Morning,” I croaked back, stretching my arms up in the air and wrapping them around her.

Having her next to me felt perfect. Pulling her into my body, our legs immediately tangled until I rolled above her, spread hers with my knees, and settled between them. My morning wood poked at her delicious wet entrance. Kissing her neck, I nipped it and felt her entrance grow wetter. I loved how responsive she was to me.

“I know what you’re doing,” Tricia mumbled, a slow sexy smile on her face.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked, playfully, “and what’s that?”

“You’re trying to get me to polish your morning wood.” I chuckled and pecked her on the nose.

“My daddy told me once I had to shine up to look my best. You can’t blame a man for taking his father’s advice.”

Her smile widened as did her eyes. “In that case, who am I to come between you and your father’s guidance? Although, talking about your dad when you’re about to fuck me doesn’t really give me that passionate buzz… you feel me?” she replied through a chuckle in a hick country voice.

“Yes, ma’am, I can feel you,” I playfully replied, and without any prior warning I slid deep inside, halting her soft chuckle instantly when her breath hitched.

“Mm,” she hummed, her eyelids half-closed as her body adjusted beneath me.

“Fuuuck. I could decimate you, right here, right now,” I told her shaking my head, barely restraining myself. Sometimes I couldn’t believe my luck we had gotten together. My words were barely out of my mouth before we were entangled in a messy but fun, hard and fast show. Twenty minutes later, Tricia had come three times and I’d come twice. Afterward, we somehow dragged ourselves out of bed and into the shower.

Nothing gave me more pleasure, apart from being inside her, than washing Tricia’s hair… and her tits… as well as the rest of her body, but her hair and her tits especially. The moans and groans that came out of her mouth were utter verbal erotica. It tickled me that every time I lathered her hair she got goosebumps, but her moans made me hard and showering usually resulted in me taking her against the wall, or one of us going down on the other.

“Uncle James, are you in there?” Brynn’s sweet little voice accompanied small fists banging on the bathroom door, just as Tricia was about to come. That morning our passion had burst through as usual and we were fucking like rabbits when Sawyer’s three-year-old daughter had wandered into our bedroom to find me.

Clamping my hand over Tricia’s mouth, I never broke stride, but called out, “I’m in the shower, sweetheart. Come back in five minutes.” My voice had sounded shaky from my exertion. I had been all set to finish us off until Tricia pushed me away.

“What the fuck, baby?” I asked, disappointed at how abruptly she turned cool on me.

Tricia wiggled her way down to the floor. “It doesn’t matter, she’s obviously dying to see you,” she muttered with her head down, and gently shoved me back as she got out of the shower.

Her mood switch flip was so unexpected, I’d felt lost for words as I watched her dry, pull on her clothes, and tie her wet hair in a bun atop her head. Without waiting for me, she left the bedroom without saying a word and I knew something was wrong. The change in her attitude made me replay the scene again in my head.

Eventually, the only excuse I found was frustration of not reaching that final high we’d both chased, and I promised myself I’d make up for it when we got back to her place. She only lived a short drive from my brother’s place, but as we both knew a lot of alcohol would be involved at Sawyer and Billie’s, we had already planned to stay over last night.

When I stepped out onto the veranda, I spotted Tricia and Billie deep in conversation. My intuition told me not to interrupt, unlike Remy who was in the process of climbing onto the couch beside her. Brynn came out of her room and joined Colby in the hot tub. “Morning,” I offered, as I made my way to my brother, who was deep in concentration pouring coffee beans into his insanely professional coffee machine.

He sneaked a peek at me before continuing to finish his task. “Oh, there you are. Did you sleep okay?” he asked, his curious eyes searching my face before he glanced over toward Tricia. His brow took on a frown which puzzled me.

“Some,” I offered in return with a grin, and looked over my shoulder, following his gaze. I could see that Tricia looked upset or annoyed, I wasn’t sure which, and I figured I’d left her frustrated. “We were enjoying an invigorating morning shower until that little cockblocker interrupted us,” I told my brother, nodding at Brynn. We both looked at his daughter who was chatting a mile a minute with Colby, and jumping up and down in the hot tub. The girl was full of beans, much like Sawyer was when he was that age, I recalled.

“They both are. They’re like a fucking tag team at times,” Sawyer agreed. “There was a time when I thought Colby was ridiculously so, but that one,” he scowled, nodding his head toward his daughter, “won’t take no for an answer and climbs into bed with us. She has no boundaries and go away appears nowhere in her vocabulary. My boy, Remy, there is the only one with any sense of occasion. He understands go away means get the fuck back to your own space, dude, I’m a little busy here.” Sawyer’s affection for all three of his kids shone through in his eyes, despite his disparaging remarks.

“Just as well I locked the bathroom door this morning then,” I agreed, chuckling.

“God, yeah, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be scarred for life,” he chuckled, as he poured me a cup of fresh coffee. It smelled incredible. “Anyway, that would explain the sullen mood if you got interrupted,” he added, nodding toward Tricia.

“Hm,” I hummed, a little intrigued as I watched her more closely, and noted how Remy had made himself at home on her lap and was sneaking bites of her toast, while she spoke with Billie.

“It may not be too late,” Sawyer suggested, and I looked back to him with a puzzled look on my face. “Kids,” he clarified, “you think she’s regretting not having some of her own?”

“We’ve never discussed it,” I replied honestly and shrugged, turned to my own thoughts. “Do I want kids? There was a time when Charlotte…” I glanced toward my brother, my heart pinching at the hurt she and I had caused him, and drew a deep breath. I released it in a slow hiss and glanced down at my feet before pinning him with direct eye contact. “You know… the baby… it wasn’t planned. She was the last person I’d have wanted to start a family with. But when it happened, I accepted responsibility for that child immediately. There was no doubt in my mind, and it had felt like the one ray of light, the single positive to come from a very fucked-up situation. I’m not going to lie, the thought of being connected to Charlotte for the rest of my life like that scared me shitless,” I sighed, stuck for words.

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