Page 94 of Dare You

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"Can't you see what Charlotte is doing? Doesn't it make you feel used to know she's still in love with him?"

"No, it doesn't. I keep her around to remind myself of what a fuckup I am, and to make sure he doesn't take her back."

"Sawyer thinks you love her."

"I did, not so much now, but it's always been platonic; I'm not in love with her."

"Does she know this?"

"Probably not. She's too interested in herself to be concerned with anyone else."

"Then she's going to be very disappointed in Sawyer marrying me."

"Oh, no doubt, but she knew you were trouble when he said he was bringing you home. He's never brought another girl home. Getting engaged though? She never expected that to happen. Hell, I never expected that."

"And now?"

"Good luck to you both. After seeing you together I don't think you need it." I eyed him suspiciously and glanced over toward Sawyer, who was still in a quiet-but-heated conversation with Charlotte. "Do you want me to break that up?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, Sawyer's a big boy. He's perfectly capable of dealing with his ex-girlfriend on his own."

"And that's why he's marrying you," he stated.

I watched him with narrowed eyes for a second before I cocked my head to the side. "Is this a game you guys are playing? You keep me busy while she tries to get Sawyer alone?"

"Trust me, no game," he shot back.

"You won't mind if I reserve judgment on the trust element of that statement. Sawyer trusted you and look what you did."

"It took two of us to make that happen. It wasn't my decision."

"By all accounts, Charlotte was … how was it put? Pursued relentlessly."

"That's bullshit. She made a play for my cock at every opportunity she could, whether my brother was on tour or not." His blunt remark put me off kilter.

"Are you saying she came on to you while Sawyer was home?"

"Yes, I am. It happened frequently for about a year before we did the deed. First time was at a party. She took advantage of me. God only knows how she got my dick up because I don't even remember most of that day."

"And after that time?"

"I resisted her and told her it should never have happened. That's when she began blackmailing me. Charlotte is pretty insatiable in the sack, and she decided I looked like my brother and sounded like him, so I was the next best thing when he was either gone or busy."

"Have you told Sawyer this?"

"I tried to, but he didn't want to know. Can't blame him for that." A silence fell between us and I saw Sawyer hold Charlotte firmly by her upper arms and take a step back from her. I took this as my cue to interrupt their tête-à-tête and left James standing alone.

"It's almost midnight, Sawyer, let's go celebrate," I said sweetly, sliding my arm around his. His focus immediately shifted toward me, and the scowl on his face disappeared.

“Sure, darlin', but I can't wait until New Year's to kiss you though," he muttered, as he tugged the bust of my dress by hooking his index finger inside and pulled me closer. It was a blatant show of affection toward her.

Cupping my face with his hands, his eyes only inches from mine, he stared adoringly, like I was the only woman in the room before he leaned in and kissed me.

Initially, my body stiffened, until I realized Sawyer was claiming me in front of his family and friends. More importantly, he was sending a clear message to Charlotte not to mess with us.

Breaking the kiss, I didn't miss the sad look on James's face and wondered how much of what he'd said was the truth. Charlotte brushed past me, whipping her long mane of ash-blonde shiny hair behind her shoulders like she was being filmed for a swanky shampoo commercial. It interrupted my observation of James. Sawyer grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the entertainment tent before I saw his brother again.

The countdown to the new year quickly got underway and Sawyer kissed my temple as we excitedly joined in. "Ten … nine … eight … seven …" we chanted. Again, I noticed James standing off to the side, observing Sawyer and me. I felt guilty for feeling a little sad for him.

"Six … five … four …" Charlotte was nowhere in sight, having lost herself in the crowded tent and hadn’t rejoined James. I went with my gut and figured there may have been a grain of truth in James's disclosure to me.

"Happy New Year!" everyone shouted, and I cast my confused eyes around the room. I'd been so wrapped up in my thoughts I'd missed the projected image of the Ball Drop on the wall of the tent. Sawyer grabbed my ass and pulled me tight to his body.

"Happy New Year, darlin'," he cooed. He dipped his head and kissed me passionately, stealing my breath. As he broke the kiss, he barely had time to say, "I love you," before people interjected one by one and continually wished us well for the new year ahead.

Separated after being turned this way and that, I craned my neck looking for Sawyer who'd gotten lost in the crowd. When I couldn't find him, I turned to look in the opposite direction from where he'd had stood and observed the festivities.

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