Page 52 of Dare You

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"Outside, now," Sawyer said, with a "don't fuck with me" look on his face as he rose out of his seat, lifting Wiggy's plate as he went and tossing it on the draining board by the sink.

"Sawyer?" I asked again, and Wiggy's bleary eyes flitted from him to me.

"Better listen to your mom," Wiggy warned.

"Hammer?" Sawyer snapped aggressively, making me jump. Hammer appeared at the stairs. "Take Wiggy outside. We need a word."

"Move," Hammer said in a menacing tone, to which Wiggy responded immediately, his body stiff as if trying to appear sober this time.

"All right. For fucks' sake. Anyone would think she was the queen," he muttered under his breath, as he slid his way along the faux leather seating and straighten up onto his feet.

Hammer folded his arms and watched their wayward bandmate head toward the bus door.

"Sawyer," I said again, my hand on his forearm in a warning for him to stay in control. My heart raced like a train and fear ran through my veins. Jesus, what am I doing? I'm far too old for this.

"I'm only going to speak to him. He won't do anything. Wiggy's all bark and no bite. Don't worry. I'll be back in a minute, and the atmosphere will be far more harmonious after our little conversation."

Assessing Sawyer through narrowed eyes, I knew he was good at managing confrontation and was a cool head in a heated situation, but this was his bandmate, and I had no idea how he behaved when he wasn't with me.

After Hammer had taken Wiggy outside, Sawyer turned his attention to Cherri. "What did he take?"

"What do you mean?" she asked. Her lashes, clumped thick with mascara, fluttered as her dull blue eyes went wide.

"Don't play stupid, sweetheart. I know a trip when I see one."

"Ecstasy, blue and pink pills of some kind. But over time, not together."

"Fuck," Sawyer muttered, staring her out until she looked uncomfortable under the weight of his stare. "Get something to eat, and clean yourself up. You look …" He didn't finish what he started to say and ran a hand through his hair. Turning to me, he shook his head. "And you wonder why I find you attractive? If you were me, how would you feel dealing with this shit day in and day out?"

Without waiting for me to answer he sighed. "Sorry, that was uncalled for. I'll be back in a few. Eat your pizza before it gets cold."

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