Page 4 of Dare You

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When Logan's eyes dulled, a hurt expression fell over his face. His reaction took me by surprise because where we were at in our lives had been his doing.

When I'd filed for divorce, I hadn't expected any resistance from him, but until then he'd ignored my lawyer's repeated requests to send the paperwork back to him.

"What's wrong, Logan? Having second thoughts? Has the novelty of your girl toy begun to wear off?" I felt annoyed at how bitter I'd sounded until I remembered he didn't deserve my consideration for how he'd treated me.

From the stunned look on his face, it was apparent he wasn't used to me asserting myself with him. I knew I should have been stronger with him in the past.

It became clear my curt reply had unnerved him when he shifted awkwardly from foot to foot before he glanced over his shoulder again. Turning his attention to me once more, his request sounded more pleading than before.

"Meet me, please? Give me an hour, Billie?"


"For the ten good years we had. One hour, that's all I ask," he begged in an urgent tone, as he raised an eyebrow in a hopeful gesture. "Come on, I know I fucked up. If I could take it back—"

"Take it back? Take what back, exactly?" I interrupted and attempted to shut him down. "Stop it." The glare I shot hit him hard and his shoulders sagged again.

"Forever's a long time to stay angry," he urged.

"What do you know about forever? Forever was the vow you took, so I guess you and I have very different ideas on the meaning of that word. Besides, you don't get to tell me what to feel or for how long, Logan. You're nothing to me anymore," I stated, bitterly. I couldn't help but smirk when he winced in reaction to my cutting outburst, but it didn't halt his train of thought.

"Clearly," he snapped because I had sounded hurt when I'd said it. "If you believe that to be true, then you won't have a problem giving me the hour I'm asking for," he countered. I sighed because I knew his manipulations too well. The man behaved like a dog with a bone when he wanted something badly enough.

Lifting my glass to my lips, I was stunned when I realized I'd already drained the last of the first glass of wine, and I prayed he hadn't noticed how fast I had drunk it. The last thing I needed was for him to think his tawdry behavior had made me turn to alcohol to drown my sorrows.

Staring pointedly into his dull, unsmiling eyes I could see the only way to get him to back off was to agree to his demand—even though I had no intention of making good on the promise.

For a second, it gave me a warm glow of satisfaction when I considered how disappointed he'd be when I reneged on this later.

"Call the house tomorrow," I offered, giving nothing away of my plan to ignore him. Immediately his frown disappeared, his face and eyes brightening as he flashed me his perfect, sexy smile—the one that had captured my heart. I scolded myself quickly because even after all he'd put me through, I was still moved by the way he smiled at me.

Logan had ruined my faith in him, in all men, by cheating, yet the mixed message he sent when he stared intently toward me tightened my chest and made my heartbeat race. It was the same intense stare of adoration he used to give me during our early days together. The look that had once made me feel special.

Silently I cursed God for handing me another mind game to add to the others I'd endured during this past year and sighed. Turning slowly and still holding the clean empty glass in his hand, he stepped away without saying goodbye. He weaved his way down through the seated customers in the crowded bar to his table without looking back.

I dropped my gaze to my second glass of wine before he'd reached his destination because I knew if I'd continued watching after him, I would have needed to deal with seeing Poppy in the flesh.

Focusing on the wine, I debated whether to drink it or not, knowing if I did, I'd have to call a cab to take me all the way home to New Jersey.

A new wave of grief for my situation threatened to overwhelm me. My body vibrated with anger when it dawned on me the cause of the death of our marriage was probably sitting in the very same room, smiling at the man she blatantly stole from me. An anxious feeling grew in my stomach and brought with it an almost overwhelming urge to flee from the wine bar. Crap.

As the seconds ticked by, I remained immobile, unsure of what to do next. As much as I wanted to leave, heavy rain still hammered down outside. I looked out of the window, up at the sky and saw the rainstorm was nowhere near abating.

Feeling defeated, I knew I had no choice but to sit there and wait for the storm to pass. I prayed Logan and his girl didn't try to leave first.

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