Page 27 of Dare You

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When he looked out over the ocean, he gripped my hand firmly. His hold felt possessive and I felt happier than I had in a long time, despite everything. When he wasn't aware I was looking, I studied his beautiful profile as he looked out to sea. His pensive expression and his quiet relaxed state hinted at his serious side.

A short while later we came across a small boat named "Maxine" with a big outboard motor banked on the sand. Placing his hands on the bow, Sawyer dragged the boat into the water. "Come here," he demanded, holding his hand out for me to take. I hesitated because the boat didn't feel big enough to take out on the water with the rolling waves. "Trust me. We're not going far."

"It isn't that. I don't think I'd feel safe in this. Look at the swell." Sawyer turned around and looked at the ocean. He chuckled. "Jesus. We're not going out there. Trust me. Get in." He pleaded. His hazel eyes pulled at my heartstrings, and before I knew what I was doing, I was being lifted into the boat.

Pushing the small fiberglass vessel out a little further he dived forward, perched his hips on the side and clambered in beside me. I don't know how he did it, but he didn't get his jeans wet.

First, Sawyer checked the fuel, released a hinge and dropped the propeller part of the engine into the water. He pulled out the choke and pulled the engine cord. When the motor coughed and petered out he repeated the process until it began to idle. When he opened the throttle the engine revved convincingly and the strangest thought ran through my mind: No one knows where I am.

"Okay, ready?" he asked, obviously reading into my concern. "Don't look so worried, darlin', I know what I'm doing. I promise we're only going a little farther out, and then we'll head down following the shoreline."

It struck me that at some point in my life I'd become fearful of a lot of things, things a guy like Sawyer took in his stride. Swallowing down my anxiety I flashed him a smile. "Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see. It's less than a five minute ride, but we can take my little boat from this part of the beach.”

The outboard engine was far more powerful than I'd expected and the little lightweight boat sped along, bobbing on the water when the occasional bigger wave came in. A few minutes later, my hair had been tossed and sprayed by the waves, my skin felt invigorated, and I was grinning ear to ear.

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