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I pull back to look at his face; his worried expression makes me tell him.

“He thinks I ran away from you and am faking the amnesia.”

Rage takes over his features, and I place my hand on his cheek, smoothing my thumb over it.

“Don’t be mad, he’s just being protective of you. You can’t blame him for being suspicious. It’s a crazy story.”

“He’s an ass and never should have told you that. I’ll talk to him about it tomorrow.”

I don’t bother arguing with him. I know I’m not going to be able to stop him, and the headache I’ve been fighting all day is at a new peak. I just want him to hold me as I fall asleep.

“Just hold me.”

He tightens his arms around me, and I start to drift off in seconds.

I wake with a jolt. I had been dreaming about the day that I was in the accident.

Everything comes rushing back to me in flash after flash. I remember everything. I remember being a child and living with my parents. I remember the day that I cut them off, the screaming and name calling that followed me out the door the last time I saw them. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant and packing all of my things, considering leaving Chandler.

My whole body is shaking, and I quietly slip out of bed, trying desperately not to wake Chandler. I grab my robe and slip it on as I walk out of the room, softly closing the door. I quickly make my way to Sophia’s room. She’s sound asleep, and I don’t want to wake her. I leave her door opened a crack and make my way out the penthouse and down the elevator to the second apartment. Kayla will know what to do.

It takes a few minutes of knocking to get her to answer the door, and when she opens the door, her hair is a mess and she’s squinting at me.

“What is it with you and your child waking me up so early?”

“I remember everything. I remember my whole life, and I was thinking about leaving Chandler when I found out about Sophia.”

She blinks at me, then her eyes widen, and she steps aside so that I can walk into the apartment.

“I’ll make coffee. Or do we need alcohol? Is it too early for alcohol?”

“I want to say it’s not too early, but I can’t drink right now.”

She nods, and I follow her to the kitchen and watch as she gets the coffee pot going.

“Lisa had to show me how to use this damn thing. It’s nothing like what we have in Willow Creek, not even at the Cozy Corner.”

She gets it brewing, and we take a seat at the island while we wait for it to finish.

“So, tell me what happened.”

I tell her about my dream and how when I woke up the images kept coming.

“I know things that I didn’t before. I remember everything about my life. Including why I was on my way to Willow Creek.”

“Which was?”

I don’t want to admit it aloud to anyone, not even myself.

“I found out I was pregnant the day of the accident. I had panicked. All I could think about was the fact that we never had a moment to ourselves. Every important event in our lives was followed up and documented by paparazzi. We were constantly surrounded by people, and Chandler worked so much that there were times that I had to handle it on my own. I started packing my things, ready to leave him. I was going to tell him about the baby, but that I was leaving and would raise her somewhere out of the public eye. Away from his money and everything that comes with it.”

Kayla’s eyes drop to my hands, where I’m twisting my ring around my finger.

“Do you know why you were traveling with nothing on you in a car that had no ties to you?”

I shrug at her.

“I was having doubts. As I was shoving things into a bag, my mind was racing, and I kept going back and forth on what I wanted to do. I loved him and didn’t want to leave him, but I also knew that I didn’t want to raise a child in his world. I knew if I stayed, I would be doing it all alone. I rented a car, and I was just going to be gone for the day. I rushed out of the house once the rental was delivered, and I just forgot everything on the bed. It’s why I crashed. I was distracted and a deer jumped out in front of me; I swerved to miss hitting it and lost control of the car.”

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