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“I did.”

My hands are actually starting to sweat. I don’t think my hands have ever sweat from nerves in my life.

“Did you come to a decision?”

She stares down at her hands and rubs at her fingers; the sight brings me comfort. She used to do this when she was nervous.

It’s nice to see my Tanya is still in there.

“I think we have a lot to talk about before we can discuss getting married.”

Hope fills my chest.

“I completely agree. I wasn’t thinking we would just jump in feet first. We have a lot to think about, Sophia being the most important.”

Her eyes lift to mine, and I see relief reflected back at me. I reach across the counter slowly, giving her time to move her hands, and place mine on top of hers.

“I promise you all that I want is to provide for you and Sophia. I know you don’t know me anymore, but that’s all that is important to me, that the two of you are safe and happy. We can take our time getting to know each other.”

She searches my face, and I try to keep my expression as open and honest as I can. When she is satisfied with what she sees, she nods her head, and I move my hand back to my side of the counter.

“So, what has you hesitating about agreeing to marry me, besides not knowing me anymore?”

I have to admit it still hurts that she doesn’t know me. I was hoping that when she saw me at the café something about me would seem familiar to her, but when she still didn’t know me, I had to accept that this was going to be harder than I thought.

It doesn’t matter, though. I will do whatever she needs to feel secure, and I will make sure I never lose her again. We talk for the rest of the morning, going over all of her fears and talking through her doubts. I admit that I also have some, and I think it helps to ease hers some.

She offers for me to go with her to pick up Sophia from school later on, and we part ways until it’s time to go. I go back to the hotel to get some work down until three, then meet up with Tanya at the cabin to walk with her to Sophia’s school. My stomach is filled with nerves as we go.

“I have to admit that telling her who I am is making me nervous.”

Tanya smiles at me.

“Me too, but I know she is going to be happy to have a dad.”

The thought comforts me some, but the doubt I have over if I can be a good dad for her or not overpowers that.



I’m staring at myself in a full-length mirror in a room that I’m not familiar with. I’m wearing a red dress that hugs my curves and shows off more cleavage than I’m comfortable with. I’m in a pair of matching red heels that have to be at least four inches tall. It’s me in the mirror, but I seem different somehow, almost like a stranger.

I watch the mirror version of me smile as a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist, and when I look up, a man appears behind me, but I can’t make out his face. He leans down to whisper in my ear, and I can feel the heat of his breath on my neck.

“You look stunning tonight, baby. Everyone was watching you the whole night.”

Without so much as a thought, I turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. It’s like I’m watching from inside someone else’s body as they make the movements. I can feel my lips curl up into a smile. I lean forward and kiss the faceless man as his hands travel up and down my back, pulling me closer to his body until the length of mine is pressed tightly to his.

I let out a moan as his hands travel lower, and he grips my ass in his hands, kneading it as he tugs me against his growing erection. I pull back to breathe and tilt my head back as he trails his lips across my jawline and down my neck. My body is heating up, and I’ve never felt this kind of arousal before.

I’m gripping his shoulders as tightly as I can, hoping that his solid body will help ground me. The sensations that he is bringing out of me are becoming overwhelming.

He pulls back from me suddenly before bending down and lifting me into his arms, bridal style. He walks us over to the bed and gently sits me on the edge as he kneels in front of me and works on taking off my heels. His face is bent down, and all I can see is the top of his head and his dirty blonde hair. Reaching forward, I run one hand through his hair; it’s soft to the touch.

He finishes taking off my heels and drags his hands up both of my calves. Once his hands reach the edge of my dress, he pauses a moment before continuing up my thighs, pushing my dress up as he goes. His touch leaves searing heat behind, and I feel my head drop back and my eyes close. I can feel my chest rising and falling with my rapid breaths.

His simple touches are making me feel crazy and drunk. I can’t focus on the fact that I don’t know where I am or who he is. All I can think about is how good his hands feel on me.

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