Page 47 of Her Healing Touch

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Almost immediately, she felt her new seatmate bump into her. She was okay with touch and nudged him back to send the message to back off a little.

She faced forward and was just getting into the movie’s storyline when she felt an elbow in her ribs from the man on her left.

Just as he had elbowed her, she nudged him back with her elbow and took back her space. She had been pushed around plenty in her life, and though she couldn’t feel the initial pain, she was used to people taking advantage of the fact that she couldn’t feel pain easily. It had been years since someone had touched her with ill intent, but she was done with people taking advantage of her.

“Excuse me,” she snapped. “Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.”

The woman next to the guy stood up. “I’m leaving.”

“You don’t have to go, baby,” the guy said, trying to sound innocent. “This tramp—”

“Yes, I do. I’m done with this.” She looked at him and grimaced. “Get some help, Chad.”

“Whatever.” The guy leaned back in his seat, taking up half of Hannah’s. She couldn’t move, he had pinned her in so tightly. “You did this, you—”

She shoved into him as hard as she could, and his arm popped out of her seat, giving her some relief.

“Back off,” he snarled. The guy elbowed her so hard in the head, spots danced in her vision. Shocked faces turned to them from every angle.

Jason leaned over her. “B-back off, dude.”

Even with a shaky voice, she was proud of him for speaking up.

The guy laughed loudly. “Winner of a guy you chose there. What are you, a wuss?”

She was not going to sit there and listen to this guy anymore. “Let’s go, Jason,” she said.

He elbowed her as she stood, this time hitting her ribcage.

She gritted her teeth and thought of all the warnings she’d received from Sabum. The guy had crossed her boundaries multiple times and obviously he was incapable of effectively communicating, so Sabum would approve of her acting defensively. Still, if she could pass him peacefully...

She reached back to take Jason’s hand when the guy grabbed her free arm and yanked. She slammed into the seat behind her, then righted herself and glared down at him.

“Let her go,” Jason said behind her. Again, his voice sounded weak, especially with the movie’s volume growing louder.

The guy laughed and took a sip of his drink. “Your boyfriend’s a wuss.” His breath smelled of strong liquor. “A pretty thing like you. I could—”

In one quick move, she threw her right arm out in an extended knuckle punch to his temple.

His head jerked back, hitting the back of the chair as soda spilled down his jaw. The guy cursed, calling her a variety of colorful names.

The movie stopped, and the lights flickered on. A security guard followed by the woman who’d been the man’s date came through the crowd and spotted them right away.

“You want to come down, or do I need to come up.”

The guy smirked. “Who, me?”

Thankfully, the security guard didn’t give him an inch. “Come down, or I’ll come up.”

“Man, whatever.” Another stream of curses came out of his foul mouth as she sat back down. Her arm throbbed, and her ribs ached, but it could have been worse. She sat back and tried to relax, but she couldn’t help but worry about Jason. He hadn’t moved a muscle since sitting down.

She leaned over. “Are you okay?”

He shook his head. “I actually don’t feel that well. Can we go?”

To be honest, she didn’t feel all that great either. “Of course.”

He grabbed their popcorn and drinks, and she led the way out of the theater. She searched the hallway, ready to confront the guy if he was waiting for her, but it was empty outside the theater.

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