Page 15 of Her Healing Touch

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Hannah huffed and lifted her hand. “It’s really okay. I can’t feel a thing.”

He stared at her. How was that true? “You don’t have to be tough around me.”

She laughed. “I’m not.”

“Well, in any case, we work in a medical facility, and you’ll be seen next.” He glanced up at Brandy, who was watching the two of them. “Dr. Mandella should be available. He usually takes his lunch now. Tell him it’s an emergency.”

She snapped to attention. “I’ll get something arranged right away.”

He nodded and grabbed a paper towel. Without touching her, he passed it to Hannah.

“Thanks,” she mumbled.

This had been all his fault. “I shouldn’t have made you make the coffee.”

“It’s part of my job. Accidents happen.”

Not to him. Not unless Hannah and paint were involved. And now coffee.

He backed away as she wrapped her hand in the paper towel. “I can manage on my own.”

He shook his head, feeling guiltier than ever with another look at her hand. Second-degree burns for sure. He’d seen worse burns at their clinic, but not many. “No, I’ll feel better if you’re not alone.”

She shrugged and nodded. “If you say so.”

By the time they made it back to the reception desk, Brandy had an appointment ready, and a physician was already calling for her.

Jason had a sudden urge to tuck an arm around her waist and lead her into the doctor’s office, but his hands stayed stiffly at his sides. Being sorry didn’t mean he had to go overboard.

His mind raced as the physician’s assistant did an initial exam, and then later the doctor joined him.

“Ooh, that looks like a bad one,” the doctor said.

Her skin was already starting to blister.

“This might hurt a little,” he said, reaching for her hand.

She didn’t even flinch as the doctor turned her hand over, examining every inch of the burned skin. “Is it numb?” he asked.


“How are you so calm?”

She sighed and took her hand back as he prepped ointment and bandages. “I’m what you call a seeker.”

Jason raised his brow, having heard the term many times in his studies.

“I have delayed reactions to things like heat and cold and... pain. I go overboard and accidentally touch things I shouldn’t because of that.”

The doctor nodded. “I see. Well, I guess in this case, it’s a relief.”

She laughed. “It drove my parents crazy when I was a kid. Can’t tell you how many scars I have.”

All Jason could do was stare. A seeker. She was a seeker! It all made sense. Her need to touch him, her constant movement, even her inability to feel pain.

Jason looked away as the doctor cared for her hand and gave her instructions. Luckily, it wasn’t her writing hand, but the doctor gave her warnings about using it too much.

The doctor left them in the room after giving her a prescription for medication.

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