Page 86 of Secret Pucking Play

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She smirks and leans in, whispering. "Um, I think your team coming back from a three-and-oh deficit to beat Seattle in the Western Conference finals is worth celebrating tonight."

I grin, feeling proud of my team and grateful for Gabi's endless support. "You're right. It definitely deserves a celebration. If one more teammate calls me, checking in to see if we're coming tonight, I'm going to use this dinner jacket to choke myself.”

"Well, let's go, then. I'm looking forward to showing you off and hopefully getting some alone time after the dinner."

"Really? You're not too tired or sore?"

"It's been two weeks. I think we can handle it."

We stand there for another moment, just gazing into each other's eyes before we both realize we should probably get going.

Wrapping an arm around Gabi's waist, I lead her toward the car that's waiting for us. As we settle into the backseat, I pull her close again. The warmth of her body against mine makes everything outside fade away, and the urge to tease her just a bit more takes over, anticipation building as I think about what's waiting for us inside the small space.

“I have a surprise for you,” I say, my voice low, letting the words hang in the air between us. Her eyes widen, and she bites her lip, clearly intrigued.

“What is it?”

“Something that would be a good time to play that I know you're not too tired or sore." I pause, reaching for the bag that was tucked away. "Remember that little pink toy I found in your hotel room in New York?”

Her cheeks flush a delightful shade of pink as she covers her mouth with her hand. “You didn't..."

"I did. I thought it was fitting for our celebration tonight.”

As the car glides smoothly through the streets, I catch Gabi's curious glance in the dim light of the backseat. My heart beats a little faster as I reach for the control panel and press the button to raise the sound-proof divider, sealing us off from the world outside.

The muffled hum of the city fades away, leaving just the two of us cocooned in our own little bubble.

With a playful grin, I reach into the bag and pull out the pink toy, holding it up so she can see.

“Surprise,” I whisper.

Her eyes widen in shock, an adorable mix of surprise and excitement dancing in her gaze.

"Are you serious?" she breathes out, and I can't help but chuckle, watching as her cheeks grow even rosier.

“Absolutely. I figured tonight was the perfect occasion to enjoy a little…stroll down memory lane.”

The anticipation hangs thick in the air, igniting a spark between us as I lean in closer, the thrill of our private moment setting my pulse racing.

My heart is racing, a wild drumbeat that matches the electricity in the air around us.

I lean in closer, capturing Gabi's gaze with my own.

Bridging the gap between us with a fierce kiss, I can feel her trembling against me as she surrenders to the moment.

With a sly grin, I pull back slightly, holding up the toy once again.

"Ready to play?"

Gabi nods, leaning in, and suddenly, we collapse onto one another in a collision of lips.

Our kiss is hungry and urgent, igniting a fire that’s been simmering beneath the surface for far too goddamned long.

As our mouths move together, I feel the warmth radiating from her body, the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips.

In a moment of boldness, my fingers graze against her sensitive nipples, the light touch eliciting a soft gasp from her that makes my cock harden, turning to the texture of stone.

Every part of me loves how responsive Gabi is, how every slight brush ignites something deeper inside both of us.

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