Page 79 of Secret Pucking Play

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As we burst through the doors of the locker room, the laughter and cheers of my teammates echo against the stark white walls.

As the energy of the game still buzzes in the air, Halstead knocks his glove against a row of lockers, a grin spreading across his face. "Hell yeah, boys! That's how we do it!"

The sound of pucks clattering and sticks being tossed fills the room. The smile on my face is enough to make my damn cheeks hurt.

I may not have been on the ice for the entirety of the game, but it's clear that my absence made a difference. My team stepped up and took control.

"You know, I’m starting to think Parker here might actually break the goal record if he keeps this up," Halstead teases, nudging Parker playfully with his elbow.

Parker raises an eyebrow, feigning seriousness. "Only if your ridiculous ass stops hogging the puck like it's your personal treasure," he shoots back.

Manning, not to be outdone, lifts an eyebrow and calls out. "Guys! Let's not pretend it’s anything but good looks and charm that won us this game. You know they couldn’t take their eyes off me on the ice!" he quips, striking a mock pose that sends into fits of laughter.

From the corner of my eye, our backup right-winger Trent Billing approaches. He played tonight's game in my stead. He flashes me a sheepish grin as he lifts his helmet off his sweaty head. "Hey, man. How you hanging in there?"

I open my locker, lifting a brow. "Doing great. How about you after that killer game?"

He shrugs modestly. "Team effort, you know that."

"Still, you played like a beast out there."

"Thanks. I just wanted to say...thanks for allowing me to do my thing tonight." He extends a hand for me to shake. "I got the distinct impression you didn't really want to sit this one out."

I grasp his hand firmly, then clap him on the shoulder. "Hey, we all have our off days. But when it comes down to it, we're a team and we support each other no matter what."

Trent's smile widens at my words, and I know that he understands.

Trent had been struggling this season, and I knew how much it meant to him to finally get some time on the ice.

"Thanks, man." He beams in response before changing the subject. "Anyway, we headed to the bar for some post-game drinks?"

Shoving my gloves inside the locker, I glance around at the rest of the team. The smiles. The cheers. The laughs.

After all the hard work and dedication we've put into this season, seeing us come together like this is an incredible feeling.

But as much as I love the camaraderie of being part of a team, there’s only one person I want to celebrate with right now.

And a celebration without her just wouldn't feel complete.

I turn to Trent, ready to turn down his offer and head straight to her.

But before I can say anything, the locker room grows eerily quiet, the atmosphere shifting like a heavy fog rolling in.

All eyes are on the door, as Gio steps in.

That familiar swagger of my lifelong best friend feels less like a warm greeting and more like a warning bell.

That last fight had left bruises on both of us—bruises I’m not sure we've fully recovered from.

I lock eyes with Gio, silently communicating everything I want to say. And as always, he understands.

Because that's what best friends do. They understand without a single word being spoken.

He takes a few more steps before calling out.

"Jake." His raspy voice slices through the hushed murmurs. “Can we talk?" He glances around. "Just you and me?”

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