Page 76 of Secret Pucking Play

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I've been biding my time for Gabriella De Luca for over twenty years now.

As I turn to head into the locker room, I smile for the first time in days, knowing that I'm willing to wait for twenty more if that's what it takes.


The glow of the city lights seeps in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a warm, soft hue on the plush couch where I'm curled up, a bar of dark chocolate in hand.

Strange how, like a kid, I resort to the same old tricks, trying to find comfort in the midst of my chaos.

I guess it's because it feels surreal to be here, nestled in Lexi’s high-rise apartment, the echoes of my night with Jacob still swirling in my mind.

The dark chocolate melts in my mouth. But that rich and comforting feeling I usually get isn't there.

Nothing seems to dull the acute pain still in my chest. Usually, I'd attribute that ache to heartburn from the baby still cooking in my belly, but not this time...

From the kitchen, Lexi's voice cuts through the burn as she lifts a pair of tongs, hazel eyes suddenly burning in my direction.

"Gabi!" she calls out.

I startle. "Yeah?"

"You haven't heard a single word I just said, have you?"

"Oh. Of course I have."

"Okay..." Her blonde curls swing as she leans over her quartz kitchen counter. "Tell me, then. What did I say?"

"You were talking about..." I look at her hand. "Tongs?"

Lexi's eyebrows shoot up in surprise before they pinch together. "Good thing this wasn't a test."

I give her an apologetic smile and she chuckles, placing the rest of the chicken wings on the platter before walking my way. "You know, I've never seen you so distracted before."

"I'm sorry, Lex." My voice softens a little as I set the half-eaten bar of chocolate on the coffee table between us. "It's been a lot to process lately."

"I figured. After you called from my parking lot, letting me know that you were downstairs at an ungodly hour yesterday, I figured things were going left." She sets the platter down on the table, too, and takes a seat beside me. "Is it about Nonna Chiara?"

"You mean Miss Indestructible? No, she's doing well. As always. The hospital is ready to release her in a few days."

"Gotcha. Then it's about that Veronica Corso chick, huh? I knew it. Freaking knew it. She spilled the beans to the press about you and Jacob, didn't she? Man, her husband must really not be plowing her good for her to go to all this trouble to…"

"Lex." I give my best friend a small smile before turning to face her fully. "It's not even about her."

"Ah. So this isn't about Madam Desperate-for-Dick?" I shake my head and her eyes widen. "Then what could possibly be bothering you so much that you can't even focus on chicken wings?"

Lexi's question hangs in the air for a moment before I finally decide to tell her the truth. "It's about Jacob."

"Okay. Now we're getting somewhere." Her hazel eyes soften as she reaches out to place a hand on top of mine. "What happened between you two? Did he do something?"

"He did."

"What was it?"

I sigh. "He...made me fall in love with him, that's what."

Lexi's expression softens even more as she squeezes my hand. "Oh, Gabi. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head, trying to push down the emotions bubbling up in my chest. "It's fine. It's not his fault, really. It's mine. I've taken my eye off the ball. My career, my family, the baby, Hell, even Nonna. I had plans for all of it. Maybe not the best plans, but plans, nonetheless. And now..."

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