Page 61 of Secret Pucking Play

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With her wild chocolate brown hair and frantic emerald eyes.

“Gabi, what's going on?” I blurt, nearly tripping over my own feet.

“Are you okay? What's wrong?” Gio asks, edging me out with his shoulder to get closer.

Gabi puts up her hands, and we freeze like two guilty schoolboys caught by the principal. Her green eyes flick between us, serious and unwavering.

“Stop it, both of you."

My heart is thudding in my chest as I stare at her. I hate how pained her voice sounds.

My words are almost a whisper. “Gabi, please. Just tell us. What's wrong."

She takes a deep breath, steadying herself. “It's Nonna." Her ample chest rises and falls as her gaze flickers between her brother and me. “She's in the hospital.”

Chapter 22


It's almost midnight, and I'm sitting in the eerily quiet room with Nonna at Chicago General Hospital. The rhythmic, soft beeps from the machines blend with the sounds of my racing thoughts.

Right before the game ended, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I almost ignored it, the fight between Gio and Jacob still on my mind.

Until something in my gut—not the baby, this time—told me to look.

My heart nearly stopped when I saw Shera's name flashing on the screen.

Nonna Chiara's nurse.

I answered on the second ring, pressing the phone tightly to my ear.

"Miss De Luca?" she'd asked the moment I picked up.

"Shera?" I strained to catch her whispered words over the roaring crowd. "What's going on? I can barely hear you."

"Maybe that's for the best." She pauses. "Your grandmother needs to see you. Now."

"Now? What's happened? Ugh, I knew it. But I didn't want to believe it." I exhaled a huffy breath. "Don't tell me she's drunk off her penne vodka sauce again."

Shera's voice remained calm and steady despite my sarcasm. "No, Miss De Luca. She's...we're in the hospital right now. Your grandmother took a hard fall yesterday evening."

My body went numb, my lips parting soundlessly."Wh-what?"

"Yes, she's just been admitted. But let me tell you, Nonna Chiara wasn't too pleased about me calling you. She nearly threatened me with a bottle of prune juice if I did."

"So, she's up?" I swallowed. "She's talking?"

"Oh yes. She's very much awake and alert, though she does have a mild concussion."

A mild concussion.

At her age, a mild concussion could be deadly.

I tried to force myself back into the game, but my mind couldn't focus on anything else other than Nonna Chiara lying in a hospital bed.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." My voice shook.

"Take your time, Miss De Luca. Drive carefully."

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