Page 58 of Secret Pucking Play

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My heart pounds in my chest as the conflict on the ice escalates.

The looks exchanged between Jacob and Gio are sharper than any skate blade, and it's clear they're not just fighting for the puck.

Every pass. Every check.

Each one is an act of defiance.

The way Gio takes a swing at the puck, it's almost personal.

Until finally, it happens.

The tension between them ignites into a full-blown confrontation.

Jacob shoves Gio, who retaliates with a force that could probably knock down a rhinoceros.

Sticks clash, fists fly, and for a moment, it feels like time has stopped.

The crowd is on their feet, screaming and cheering, but I can't hear anything over the sound of my own heart hammering in my ears.

I grip Lexi's hand so tightly that I'm sure she'll need an X-ray later.

"Ref! Do something!" I scream, even though I know my voice is one in a sea of thousands.

The referees rush in, trying to quell the storm, but Jacob and Gio are unrelenting—two titans clashing in a battle that’s been brewing long before any of us stepped into the building for this game.

I can barely watch, yet I can't tear my eyes away.

Each punch, each grappling move, it all feels like a punch to my own gut.

Lexi gasps. "They’re going to get themselves suspended!"

My thoughts race, jumbling over each other, fueled by my panicked adrenaline.

Dammit. Lexi's right.

Gio must know. He has to know. There's no other explanation.

How did it come to this? Two best friends, now enemies on the ice. It's like watching a break-up, only with more blood and bruises.

I start to shout at Gio, begging him to stop.

But then I see it.

The way he pauses for just a split second after each hit, as if giving Jacob a chance to strike back.

He's holding back. He doesn't want this any more than I do.

And I realize what a mess I've created.

This rivalry, this hatred between them—it's all because of me.

I once called Jacob Walker just another name on a list of mistakes. A mistake I planned on never repeating again. But I did.

I fell for my brother's best friend, and now here we are.

I let go of Lexi's hand and decide right then and there.

It's time to end this. Before someone gets seriously hurt.

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