Page 37 of Secret Pucking Play

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My hand stills on my belly as I consider her question. A name. For a baby with a father who may never come back to us.

"I have," I finally answer, my voice barely above a whisper. "But it's too soon to tell anyone."

"Gotcha." Lexi understands, like she always does.

I let out a long sigh and continue sorting through the closet. Maybe I'll find something that will distract me from these heavy thoughts.

"So, tell me about this cutie physical therapist you went on a date with," I say, changing the subject. "What's his name again? Max?"

"Maxwell. And he's not just cute. He's funny and smart and sweet."

"Sounds like you hit the jackpot."

"I know, right?" She exhales. Hard. "If I wasn't terminally attracted to bad boys, I'd marry him tomorrow."

I laugh. "Well, at least you're giving the good guys a chance now."

"Yeah, yeah. Who knows? Maybe one of them will actually stick around this time."

"Hey, don't jinx it," I tease.

"Oh please, like your love life is any less complicated."

Touché. I can't argue with that one.

"And speaking of bad boys, what are you going to do about your brother? I mean, Gio still doesn't know about Jacob being the father of your kid." She pauses. "How do you think he's going to take the news that his best friend knocked up his sister?"

I groan. "Do we have to talk about this right now? I'm already stressed enough as it is."

"Fine, fine. We'll table that conversation for another day." There's a moment of silence before Lexi speaks again. "But seriously, let me know if you need anything. Anything at all, okay?"

"I will," I promise.

As always, Lexi has my back.

Even though things may feel overwhelming and uncertain right now, having a friend like her makes the journey—my own and potentially my baby’s—just a little less scary than it was before.

We continue chatting and laughing until my phone beeps with an incoming call from a number I don't recognize.

"I should take this," I say to Lexi before answering the call.

"Hello?" I say tentatively, unsure of who might be on the other end.

"Is this Gabi?" comes a familiar, yet professional voice.

"Yes, this is Gabi."

"It's Shera, your Nonna's nurse."

"Hi. Shera. Yes, of course." I grip the phone tighter. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yes, everything is fine! Actually, your Nonna wants to speak with you. One moment, please."

Before I can process my relief, I hear the unmistakable, warm voice of my Nonna. "Gabi! Oh, mia cara, how are you?"

"Nonna! I'm...I'm good. How are you feeling?"

"I'm wonderful, darling! My hip is doing so much better with the help of Shera and the physical therapy. You won't believe it—I walked around the neighborhood today, past the old tree house."

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