Page 20 of Secret Pucking Play

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"He says what?" I wait. "Sophie, what exactly did Evan say?"

She clears her throat. "He said, and I quote, 'I'd rather effing wrestle a bear while wearing a meat suit than sit through another one of those mind-numbing interviews. At least the bear might be interesting'."

"Well, that certainly sounds like him. Anything else, Sophie?"

"Uh, only that your brother Gio is steaming mad about some article talking about his fight during the last game. A local magazine wants to do an interview and feature you and Mr. Walker. Oh, and your grandmother called the office phone and left a message. Since your office voicemail forwards to my phone, I'll give you the general gist." She coughs. "She says 'she appreciates you and Jacob bringing you her prune juice, but you forgot the vodka. How else is she supposed to make her penne alla vodka sauce without the main ingredient?'”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, holding back a snort. "Trust me, that's not what she wants the vodka for. I'll call her back later."

"Of course, ma'am."

"Well, thanks for the updates, Sophie. I'll take care of things."

I glance over at Alexandra, who is pretending not to listen while shamelessly rooting through racks of overpriced baby cardigans.

I turn to her. "I'm just going to give my Nonna a quick call. Maybe I can buy some time before I need to deal with the latest drama," I say, rolling my eyes. She nods, hardly suppressing a smirk.

I dial Nonna's number and wait, fully prepared for her usual theatrical greeting.

"Ah, Gabriella! Did you finally remember my vodka?" she answers on the second ring.

"Nonna, you know that's not for cooking. What are you up to?"

"Oh, just talking to Jacob. He's quite the charmer, isn't he? Helps me with my crossword puzzles and shares recipes." She lets out a playful giggle.

"Wait, Jacob? You''ve talked to him? Recently?"

"Why, yes. He checked in on me after our little cooking session. Such a sweet boy. You know, if you don't snatch him up, someone else will."

Before I can fully process this revelation, Alexandra sidles up beside me. "Everything okay, Gabi?" she asks.

I cover the phone. "Nonna's been chatting with Jacob, apparently." Alexandra's eyebrows shoot up, but she says nothing, motioning for me to continue.

"Nonna, I'll bring your vodka soon, I promise. Just…please tell me you’ll use it for the penne and not for getting drunk and watching reruns of the Price is Right.” I don’t wait for her to answer. “Love you. See you soon,” I say quickly, ending the call and trying to process this new information.

Alexandra doesn't miss a beat. "Jacob and Nonna, huh? Sounds like a potential wrench in your well-oiled fake relationship machine."

"Is this Screw-With-Gabi day?" I rub one of my temples, trying to stave off a headache. "Seriously. Between the players on the team, Sophie freaking out with every bump in the road at work, and now Nonna and Jacob? What's next?"

"Who knows," Alexandra shrugs, tossing a toddler-sized scarf from the rack over her shoulder. "But, uh, does Nonna know about this fake engagement?"

"She does not. And that's the way it should stay."

"Hmm. Then why do you think Jacob is checking in on her? He's acting awfully similar to a real fiancé, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh no, not you, too..."

"I'm just saying. I’m with you. I don’t know if I can trust the guy as far as I can throw him, but from you’ve said, he’s been…”

“Been what?”

“I don’t know. Surprising, I guess? Ever since you showed up, the rumors about him have disappeared. I’d say the plot is definitely thickening."

To say I'm flustered is an understatement. Alexandra's grin widens like she's just hit the jackpot in a gossip lottery.

"Look, Gabi, I'm just saying—if Jacob's taking the time to check on Nonna, maybe he’s more invested than we thought he was capable of. You should be careful. Real feelings could be a messy addition to this whole charade."

"Feelings?" I throw the phone in my hand back in my purse with a thunk. "No way. Not happening. Lex, have you forgotten why we're doing this in the first place? Jacob, looking mightily chummy with the Chicago Blades owner's wife? The man is capable of charming anything on two legs. Hell, four legs, too, if we're being honest. Doesn't mean I'm lining up to be one of them."

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