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Chapter 1


"Ican't believe Giovanni didn't faint when you told him about the baby."

My best friend Lexi's voice drifts over the racks of clothes in the boutique we're browsing through.

It's my favorite one in downtown Chicago. Or it used to be, during a time that feels like a lifetime ago.

Half the items in here are now too small for me, and the ones that will fit over my baby bump don't exactly scream 'sexy'.

I sigh in frustration as I scan the racks of chiffon and silk that used to make me feel like a queen.

"I mean, he's great on the ice." She holds up a pair of leggings, her button-nose scrunching just below her green eyes. "But his my-little-sister-is-pregnant face must have been epic."

I chuckle and shake my head, rifling through a rack of blouses, trying to find something that screams "professional PR exec" while still accommodating my expanding belly. "Oh, you should've seen it. He went pale for a moment, then beamed like a proud uncle. Typical Giovanni."

"Look at this one, Gabi,” Lexi suddenly exclaims, holding up a stylish, bodycon dress. "Perfect for your new fancy PR exec position!"

"Um, yeah. I don't think so." I glance at my reflection in the mirror behind her and grimace. "Unless you want me looking like a pork sausage in a casing."

"A sexy pork sausage in a casing."

"Not sure looking like a juicy meat product would be great for my first day as head of PR for the Chicago Blades." I hang the dress back on the rack and sigh again. "I just wish I could find something that makes me feel...confident."

"Confidence would be rocking that tiny baby bump and showing it off," Lexi says, stepping closer. Her phone goes off, but she silences it. "Damn Google alerts. They're driving me crazy today. Ever since it was announced that the Chicago Blades made the playoffs, my phone has been going off non-stop with article alerts." She shakes her head, tucking the device away. "Well, sausage belly or not, you'd have all those hockey heads drooling." She pauses. "And maybe one head in particular."

Even the vague mention of the father of my child sends heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Yeah, let's not go there," I say, throwing the curtain of my dark wavy hair over my shoulder. "Let's allow He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to remain unnamed." I grab a chic blazer and hold it up to myself, trying to envision wearing it without feeling like a whale. "This could work."

"See? You look amazing," Lexi says, giving me an encouraging smile. "Now let's go find you some shoes that won't make your feet swell up like balloons."

"Okay. Just...let me head to the dressing room first. I want to try the blazer with the pants I have on." I pat my black slacks.

"Sure thing, girl. Take your time. I'll work on finding more casings...I mean, dresses," Lexi says, heading for the shoe section.

As I make my way to the dressing room, I can't help but feel grateful for Lexi's friendship. She always knows how to make me laugh and forget about my worries, even if it's just for a little while.

And right now, with my new job starting in two days and all of the changes coming my way, I could definitely use some distraction.

Starting a new job as head of PR for a professional hockey team while being five months pregnant and single? Yeah, definitely not what I had planned for my life.

I slip on the blazer and button it up, admiring how it cinches in at my waist and accentuates my curves. Looking in the dressing room mirror, I can see a glimmer of excitement in my green eyes.

I've been waiting a long time for this opportunity, and I refuse to let anything stand in my way. Not pregnancy. Or even the one-night stand that led to it.

The name of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named may never be spoken again, but my mind doesn't seem to know that as it drifts toward a memory I know by heart by now.

A memory of silky sheets and strong hands, of whispered words and low moans.

A memory that both makes my chest squeeze and my cheeks flush.

A knock on the door startles me back to reality. "How's it going in there?" Lexi asks.

I take a deep breath. "It fits perfectly. I think this could work."

Lexi opens the door with a grin. "Told you so. Now let's go pick out some shoes before your feet decide to mutiny against you." Her phone dings again, and this time she groans. "Ugh. These damn alerts keep ruining our shopping trip."

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