Page 52 of Blurred Lines

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I pullinto my driveway and I see an unfamiliar car parked on the curb. As I put my car into park, I see the other car door open and a tall gentleman step out. It takes a moment for me to realize that this is Marie’s brother approaching me. I haven’t seen him in a few years. He got taller and a lot thinner than the chunky high schooler that I remembered.

“Hey Shaw,” he says uncomfortably with his hands in his pockets.

“What’s going on, Dean?” I ask cautiously.

“I’m sorry to have to be the one to do this,” he says pulling out an envelope from my pocket, taking a step forward and then a step back.

“What’s this?” I turn the envelope around in my hand.

“She’s taking you back to court, I tried to tell her to take a chill pill, but for some reason she’s got this huge stick up her ass and I don’t know, man,” he shakes his head, then continues. “she’s just fuckin’ crazy, you know. She’s gone ballistic.”

“What?” I can’t get over the word ‘court’.

“I volunteered to bring this. I wanted you to hear all this from me, and not some idiot that she chose. I know you don’t deserve her shit, I know you’re a cool guy and a great dad, the whole family does, but you know how she gets, so fucking hot headed and insecure. You shouldn’t have to go through this, and I’m sorry.”

“But why?” I can’t form sentences.

“I think it’s because of your friend, or your girlfriend, Summer, isn’t that her name? She went on a total rant and made a crap-ton of accusations. None of it was pretty.” He shrugs.

“Fuck!” I pound my fist on the back of my car.

“Maybe she won’t go through it, maybe she’s just blowing steam up your ass.”

“No, man. You know her, when she gets something in her mind, it’s either do or die. Thanks for being the one to bring this, appreciate it.” I say to him as genuinely as I can muster, he doesn’t deserve my wrath, she does.

I run my palm over my face, fighting the emotions bubbling in me.

Fuck! I can’t believe she has the audacity! What the fuck are her grounds? This is complete bullshit.

“I should get going, I’m sorry Shaw. You don’t deserve this shit. Again, man, sorry.” Dean holds out his hand towards me.

“Thanks, I wish seeing you was under better circumstances,” I offer.

“Me too. Give that little monster a high-five from me, will ya?” Dean walks backwards toward his car as I nod.

I turn around and look up at the house. Summer and Mason are inside, waiting for me to get home so we can have pizza and watch a movie that Mason picked out, and all I want to do is hit something, run away, or just scream.

I ball my fists, straighten my arms and let it fall out of my mouth. The rumbling of frustration spills from my throat. I scream my head off, disrupting the neighborhood and not giving one single fuck. I hear the front door open and hear Mason’s scared voice calling my name.

I finally stop my battle cry, look up to the house with Summer and Mason standing in the doorway. Summer’s concern is etched across her face as my eyes meet hers. She leans down and whispers something to Mason, who disappears inside the house. I walk up my driveway and once I reach the porch, I lower myself to the bottom step.

Tears erupt from my eyes and Summer pads quickly to me, she wraps her arms around me, and I lay my head on her lap.

“Shhhh. It’s going to be okay, Shaw. Everything will be okay.” She promises, running her hands through my hair.

“She’s taking me back to court,” I hold up the envelope that Dean handed to me to Summer.

I haven’t looked at the paperwork, I don’t want to. If I don’t, then I don’t know what the details are, and then I won’t be heartbroken. Well, more heartbroken.

Summer’s hand grips around the envelope and then sets it down beside her as Mason comes outside.

“Is Daddy okay?” he asks.

“Yeah, buddy, he’s just sad. Everything will be okay.”

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