Page 30 of Blurred Lines

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“I’m glad you didn’t run,” I finally say.

“I don’t think that I would have been able to run far, I mean this is your house and all, you would know where to find me,” she turns her head to face me.

“I know, but my son just interrupted me going down on you.”

“Yeah, talk about a mood killer.”

“We could totally revamp up that mood, if you want?” I lean up on my elbow and look down at her with a smile.

“While that would be great, because I’ve got a serious case of lady blue balls now, I think it’s best if we just go to sleep.”

“To be continued?” I ask with hope.

She reaches up and caresses my cheek with a happy smile. “To be continued.”

I hadto get Mason back to his mother’s house by ten in the morning, and with the flurry of the morning, I only caught glimpses of Summer while she was moving to and from rooms getting ready for her morning. She had planned a later start time but woke up this morning later than she usually did in a rush.

I keep myself busy getting a curriculum ready for the summer session of adult GED classes that I teach at the local community college in the middle of the summer to help stay busy during the summer. The curriculum is the same, but I like to revamp it every so often, to assure that I keep with current events and learning tools.

Teaching adults wasn’t as fun as it was teaching children, it lacked creativity, but I enjoyed the feeling that I was helping someone succeed in one of their goals, or helping them advance when before, for whatever reason, they couldn’t finish high school.

My cell notifications were dinging, one notification after another. I grab my phone and see Summer is texting. I pull the messages up and scroll up to start at the beginning.

Summer: No Mason tonight, right?

Summer: I was thinking, maybe we can have a date

Summer: With a special desert

Summer: That means we can start something that may have begun last night.

Summer: Or not. Up to you.

I laugh at the nervousness in her texts and lean back in my chair, ready to make her blush and play a different game.

Me: I think what I want to do is skip dinner and go straight to desert.

Me: You know, I would strip you from your clothes again, lay you out on my bed, and lick your pretty pussy until you were squirming beneath me

Me: and then…

I wait and let that linger for her, just in case she wasn’t able to see the texts right away. Immediately, I see the thought bubble come up on the screen.

Summer: And then?

I smile, knowing that I have her curiosity peaked.

Me: And then we’ll see. The options are limitless.

Summer: You’re the devil. I’m off at six

Me: I’ll CU then

She doesn’t respond and I use the time between now and when she’s off of work to go grocery shopping. While I’m not an amazing chef, I should make sure that I have the staples in the house since Summer lives here now.

Lives here.

Summer lives here, in my house.

Wow. I never thought that would be such a strong phrase to think, but it is. The thought alone feels like a normal thought, something that has always been. But I know that just a few months ago, she was living with douchebag Colin, thinking that everything was fine. And now, she’s here with me. Am I the rebound? Is that what this is?

Surely no, we wouldn’t risk our friendship on a rebound which might ruin the friendship. Instead, we’re starting something completely new from scratch. It’s developing organically, not forced. If you don’t count Sloane meddling with that whole kiss thing after the BBQ.


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