Page 24 of Blurred Lines

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I’m floatingon cloud nine right now. With a full stomach, I left the bookstore with one last kiss from Summer.

I’m cautious of moving too fast and scaring her, so the kiss was quick, and I made sure to not gross her out with any leftover taste of pickles from my lunch.

The time was nearing for my ex to drop off Mason for my week night with him, so I headed home with plenty of time to spare, just in case he came earlier.

Which was likely the smartest thing that I could have done, because Marie’s car is parked in front of my house when I pull into the driveway.

As I step out of the car, I hear her say something to Mason, then slam her car door.

I turn to face her just as she stomps across my lawn, arms straight with closed fists.

“Hello Marie, how are you?” I say with a polite smile, knowing that it will piss her off.

“What the hell, Shaw? I’ve been waiting here for thirty minutes; you were supposed to be home!” she seethes.

“Woah, chill out. You said that he would be coming home at three. It’s only two, if you were coming sooner or were waiting on me, it’s not like you don’t have my phone number. Instead of steaming in your car, approaching me like this in front of our son, you could have sent a ‘hey, I’m here,’ text or whatever,” I say to her sternly.

“You were supposed to be home, Shaw,” she says crossing her arms over her chest as if she’s shoving them in a tight sleeve.

“I wasn’t, and you don’t get to dictate when I’m home. Now, we’re going to motion for Mason, who is watching all of this interaction and you’re going to leave politely, got it?” I say as calm as I can, despite my blood boiling.

She turns and waves to Mason, then turns back around to me.

“Don’t speak to me like I’m a child,” she demands.

“Then quit acting like one.” I direct my attention to the miniature version of me that is running over. As he approaches, I smile and bend down in time for him to throw himself into my arms. “Hey bud, I missed you.”

“Daddy, can we go swimming with auntie Summer?” he asks.

I hear Marie huff and I cut her a narrowed look. “Thanks Marie, I’ve got it from here.” I say standing up with Mason’s hand in mine. “Say bye to Mommy, pal.”

She bends down and ruffles Mason’s hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow bud, yeah?”

“See you later, mama.”

She stands up and without another word, she hurries back to her car.

“Why was mommy mad?” Mason looks up at me.

“Sometimes people are upset when they have to wait,” I reply.

“Why were we waiting?” he asks innocently.

“I had to bring auntie Summer lunch. She won’t be able to swim with us today, maybe later tonight if she isn’t tired from work.”

“But can we swim now?”

“Of course, let’s go get our suits on.”

The front doorslams and I hear Summer walk through the house. I’m standing over the counter cutting up a tomato for the burgers when she puts her purse on a chair and walks into the kitchen.

“Bad day?” I ask carefully minding my fingertips as I slice.

“Tasha never showed. She didn’t call and when I tried to call her, the phone went straight to voicemail.”

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