Page 18 of Blurred Lines

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I’m sittingin my room avoiding Shaw and not answering the phone as Sloane calls me every five minutes.

I know that after those kisses, I shouldn’t be avoiding him, and I know that we need to discuss what happened. While we talked a little before he kissed me again, I need to gather my thoughts and really think about the consequences of what this relationship could be.

While he made good points last night about foundation and blah, blah, blah—I need to think heavily about if this is a risk that I’m willing to take.

I lean up on my knees and do what I can to reach from the edge of the bed to the desk that sits across from it, as I’m reaching, too lazy to actually get up, my knee slips and I let out a high-pitched scream as I fall face first on the carpet.

Dazed and confused, with my ass and feet up in the air, the bedroom door swings open and Shaw runs in. I manage to turn my head that is currently pressed against the plush fabric of the carpet and see his feet mere inches away from me.

“Summer, what are you doing?” he asks.

“Yoga,” I reply.

“I think you’re doing it wrong,” he says, bending down and trying to look at me.

“Do you think that you can help me up? I’m afraid that if I try, I will injure myself, and that would be an embarrassing story to tell to the emergency room doctors.”

“I’d love to know what you could come up with,” he says standing, and then stepping beside the bed. His arms reach around my waist and he pulls me up and plops me back to a sitting position.

“Thank you,” I reply sheepishly.

“Nice underwear,” he says with a smirk. “What were you doing, really?”

“I was trying to get that notebook,” I point over the desk.

Shaw reaches for the notebook and hands it to me. “Think we can do breakfast or something in a bit? You know to talk and shit?”

“And shit?” I look at him.

“I’m nervous, this is a whole new ball field here and I’m not sure how you really feel now that you’ve slept on it all. All I can tell you is that kissing you last night was like a dream and I don’t want to wake up from it.”

Breath. Stolen.

“Sure, I’ll be out in a bit,” I reply quietly.

He leaves the room and I’ve got the notebook now in my lap. I create two columns; a PRO column and a CON column. I wouldn’t say that this is the best way to go about deciding the future of Shaw and I. However, it’s a start, and it could help me wrap my head around the whiplash of my thoughts.

Pro. We know each other’s quirks already and the getting to know one another factor is easier.

Con. We lose the ability to get to learn the quirks by trial and error.

But is that really a con? Or is that a blessing?

Pro. I already know that he’s a good guy.

Con. He comes with a crazy ex.

I shouldn’t hold that against him.

Pro. We know of one another's past.

Pro. He’s an amazing, caring, and thoughtful father.

Con. He’s a dad, so I don’t get all of him.

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